Cake International Display 2024

Some of our display team of 2023

We are delighted to announce that entries for the CakeFlix Display at Cake International 2024 are now open!

It’s Cake International’s 30th Year so let’s make this a big one.

CakeFlix Premium and Pro members get the opportunity to display their cake at Cake International as part of a team effort. You will be helped and supported by other display members and all entrants get COMPLIMENTARY access to Cake International for all three days!

You must ensure that your entry is dropped off on Thursday 31st October in preparation for the show opening on Friday 1st of November.

Please check the details below and once you are ready, please complete the form below.

Cake International Display 2024

NOTE: once the form has been completed a small message will appear on the screen where the form was, that means we have your details. YOU MIGHT HAVE TO SCROLL DOWN TO SEE IT.

Theme for 2024

This year’s theme is back to some of our best displays and that’s Winter Wonderland/Christmas.

We are aiming for an extravaganza of elegant whites, silvers, golds and sparkles inspired by a CakeFlix tutorial of your choice.

Aim for a max 16″ board, but if you need to go bigger just contact Paul. Non-edible sparkles and fairy lights are allowed, but cables and battery packs are to be hidden.

Entry is free, but places are limited so please ensure that you fully intend to be a part of the display team before entering. Places are allocated on a first come basis. Cakes can be collected when the show breaks down on Sunday 3rd November from 4.30pm. However, if you will be away by then they can just be left in the hall. If you have any questions before entering please ask via the Contact Form or send David a PM.

Winter Wonderland display 2022






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