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asked May 10th 2012

Squires Flower paste

Good evening Paul,

Just watched your Stiletto/shoe box tutorial and just wondered how many shoes do you think one of those packets could make.

Kind regards

Stella Holvey



Good evening Paul,

Just watched your Stiletto/shoe box tutorial and just wondered how many shoes do you think one of those packets could make.

Kind regards

Stella Holvey




Only guessing, but you might get 2 shoes, but the heels will use a bit.

Have you tried making your own flower paste, it’s really easy, and much cheaper?


Sorry for butting in, do you have recipe for flower paste?? I read somewhere that mexican paste and sugar paste, half and half, worked – which i tried, not happy with result




Moira, these are the 2 recipes I use.

The 2nd one might seem long winded, but it’s easy, and makes a nice amount of paste, freeze them in small amounts.

1. Mallow Russe flower paste

(A)  50g mallow Russe, 5ml tsp water, 5ml tsp Trex

(B) 100g icing sugar, 1dsp cornflower, 1tsp cmc or Tylose

Microwave ingredients A, until melted.

Sieve ingredients B twice into a bowl, make well in centre, and incorporate ingredients A.

Rub hands with Trex then kneed paste until smooth. If sticky, add more cornflower, wrap tightly, leave to mature overnight. Freezes well. Mallow Russe can be bought from icinghouse.com   £1 for 100g

Flowerpaste recipe 2

5tsp cold water, 2tsp powdered gelatine, 1ib icing sugar, 3tsp gum trag, 3tsp liquid glucose, 3tsp white veg fat, white of a large egg.

Soak gelatine in water,until it sponges.

sift icing sugar, add gum trag. Place over bowl of hot water, so the sugar warms a bit.

Dissolve the gelatine over pan of hot water, add liquid glucose and white fat, stir until melted, do not boil.

Remove icing sugar from heat, make a well, and add gel mix, stir rapidly, stir in unbeaten egg white.

Beat well with metal spoon, until mix thickens, and looks white and stringy. Can be done in a Kenwood. Place in Airtight container for 24hrs. Can freeze



Sorry, just read your recipe again, and you kindly put a link in at end, where to get mallow russe, never heard of it!!!




Hi Moira, I’d never heard of it either, but it’s easy to use, and gel like in appearance.



Thanks for your time and recipes, please excuse my ignorance, what is mallow russe???



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