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asked July 4th 2012

Is a 2-tier Shower Cake acceptable? | CakeFlix

Is a 2-tier Shower Cake acceptable? | CakeFlix

I have been asked to make a Wedding Shower two-tiered cake for my grandaughter to be. Are two tiers accepttable for a shower cake or should it only be one layer?  They want it decorated with Calla Lilies, ribbon and fondant beads.


Is a 2-tier Shower Cake acceptable? | CakeFlix

I have been asked to make a Wedding Shower two-tiered cake for my grandaughter to be. Are two tiers accepttable for a shower cake or should it only be one layer?  They want it decorated with Calla Lilies, ribbon and fondant beads.



It is quite acceptable for it to be two tiers, some I have seen even have three, appears to be what is wanted by the person who orders it.



Thank you. I just did not want it to appear  “too over the top”.  I guess I am a little bit nervous, it is the 1st cake I have made for these particular relatives.


How many people are they wanting it to feed? 2 tier would be absolutely fine.. I’ve done bigger ones for first birthdays so it’s def not over the top.


There will be approximately20 – 30 people so it will be a rather small two tier cake. maybe a square one so it would be easy to cut and portion .

Thank you for answering me.

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