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asked July 17th 2012

Adapting recipe to become Gluten free

Adapting recipe to become Gluten free

hello I’m looking to make a gluten free cake I have tried loads of different recipes and they haven’t been very successful. Is there anyway of adapting pauls chocolate recipe to plain sponge and/or gluten free sponge.
Any help would be greatly appreciated


Adapting recipe to become Gluten free

hello I’m looking to make a gluten free cake I have tried loads of different recipes and they haven’t been very successful. Is there anyway of adapting pauls chocolate recipe to plain sponge and/or gluten free sponge.
Any help would be greatly appreciated


110g rice flour [brown or white] 55g plus 2tbsps almond flour [ground blanched almonds] 1/3 cup plus 1tsp cornflour, sifted  2tsps baking power  80g salted butter  200g caster sugar 6eggs


preheat oven 180c/350f grease 2 7in tin

whisk baking powder and flour together

in another bowl whisk eggs butter until pale and fluffy

add butter sugar eggs to baking powder and flour and whisk together until wellblended

put mixture into prepared tins

bake for 30 minutes until springy

bake on the centre shelf

hope this helps


Thanks very much.i will give that a go.its my girlfriends 21st coming up and I’m wanting to do a topsy turvy cake for her have you tried this doing out on that scale? Because I feel once the recipe gets of a certain size it just sinks and goes very dense.

Thanks again


I have always used the gluten free cake recipe in the Love Bakery cupcake book and it turns out perfect every time. If I want chocolate I just add cocoa or chocolate but you need to watch as not all makes of cocoa are gluten free but you can check on the internet before you buy (Bourneville is). It is for cupcakes but it can easily be increased to do a larger cake. Morag


sorry Allan i have only made a 7 inch it was fine    sometimes overbeating the cake at the batter stage can over-aerate it which will cause it to sink during or shortly after baking good luck

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