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asked July 23rd 2012

Patchwork cutters

I have been given a bag of assorted patchwork cutters but there’s no instructions. I looked at the website and then tried one on some modelling paste and it all stuck to the cutter and made a right mess! Can anyone give me some tips on using them?


I have been given a bag of assorted patchwork cutters but there’s no instructions. I looked at the website and then tried one on some modelling paste and it all stuck to the cutter and made a right mess! Can anyone give me some tips on using them?


Hi Doodlecake

My favourite subject! I love Patchwork cutters, they take a bit of getting used to but once you have then you can do lots of fab designs and embossing. Marion Frost who designs them has several tutorials on Youtube as also Party Animals on line. Marion is  very helpful , you can just phone her up or email her, I’m sure she’ll be delighted to send you some instructions. Her phone number is on her website, Patchwork Cutters Uk.  Mexican paste works best with the cutters, here is the recipe:

Mix together 8 ozs icing sugar and 3x5ml teaspoons gum tragacanth. Add 6x5ml cold water and knead well. Store in a plastic bag overnight, (not in the fridge). Cutters are fun to use, bit fiddly at first, rub them with a little trex before use.


I also love patchwork cutters, and as madeitwithlove says, can be tricky to start with,and the cutters must be greased well, but you must use either mexican or flower paste, very thin, and lightly grease your board with trex too, so that the paste sticks to it, don’t lift it up, as you’d do for cutting out flowers, with other cutters, then press down, and try to flick the cutter away…sounds weird, but you do get the hang of it, and they’re so worth the trouble 🙂


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