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asked July 27th 2012

Wiring flowers

I have made lots of flowers for a wedding cake top. I have taped all of them but now want to put them together. I am trying to make a spray  that starts wide to thin (triangle shape) so the thin end slightly overhangs the cake. Hope this is making sense.

I am struggling to know how the best way to wire them together is as when I try I can’t seem to keep them in the right place and they seem to flop the wrong way. Has anyone got any hints to make this easier and work?



I have made lots of flowers for a wedding cake top. I have taped all of them but now want to put them together. I am trying to make a spray  that starts wide to thin (triangle shape) so the thin end slightly overhangs the cake. Hope this is making sense.

I am struggling to know how the best way to wire them together is as when I try I can’t seem to keep them in the right place and they seem to flop the wrong way. Has anyone got any hints to make this easier and work?



Hi jb

I’ll try and help but it’s hard to explain without showing you something. First of all select the flower you want which will form the overhanging bits. So you will need say three for the right side and three for the left or how ever many you want. Stagger each stem and tape them together. To bring the two sets together you need a binding point. Bend the stems at the point you want to form the shape and wrap both set together with some wire. Select more flowers (and leaves if you are using them) for each set and again stagger and secure with wire cutting off any excess wire. You should start to see a shape now. Keep bending the wire to ensure the shape you want and keep filling the spray by wiring the next amount  until you get the fullness you want. For the centre, select how ever many flowers you want and place in the middle of the spray at a height equal to the last stems and wire all the stems to form one complete spray. When you are attaching more flowers make sure the binding point doesn’t move down the stem. Cut the stem off to about two inches and with luck you’ll have a spray. Phew! this might just give you an idea, sorry if my description hasn’t helped. And have a look at the flower tutorials also to give you a better idea. x


Think I got some tips from that will have a go. Also think I described the shape wrong I think it’s more a teardrop shape so thinend (point) just slightlyoverhangs at the front.

Really struggling to find any tutorials to actually wire the flowers together.


Hi jb

I’ve also found www.eHow.com how to make a teardrop bouquet. This might be what you’re looking for.

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