Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked August 20th 2012


Hi all..I have made a cake with an artists easel on. It is made out of dowling rods and it is to encorporate my customers wife’s painting, which I have constructed from printing it on to edible paper, stuck onto gumpaste which has dried hard. It looks great on the easel, but how can I secure it to it? Will royal icing work on the dowling rods? Or shall I tell my customer not to put the painting onto the easel until the cake is brought out??


Hi all..I have made a cake with an artists easel on. It is made out of dowling rods and it is to encorporate my customers wife’s painting, which I have constructed from printing it on to edible paper, stuck onto gumpaste which has dried hard. It looks great on the easel, but how can I secure it to it? Will royal icing work on the dowling rods? Or shall I tell my customer not to put the painting onto the easel until the cake is brought out??


Hi Gucci906

Is the easel free standing or does it need support? If it needs support, then yes, Royal icing would work and you’d have to use the same colour as the fondant you’ve iced the cake with. If it can stand on it’s own, it may be better to place it on the cake when the cake is brought out, and your customer could then keep the easel as a keepsake. I guess the other way would be to gently insert the easel into the cake and then secure it with Royal icing at the point of entry.

Does any of this make sense? or am I dreaming?  ps you could place the easel on it’s own card and have it as a topper.



Maybe I didn’t explain properly. The easil is already in the cake, fine and solid. I need to attach the painting to it which is gumpaste, the easil is wood


Aha, that’s different!, so is the painting heavy? will it weigh the easel down into the cake (since it is made of gum paste)? If the paste is very thin and won’t weigh down the easel then it would probably be ok, other wise I would tend to leave it until the cake is ready for display. You don’t want all your hard work ruined! Cor, would love to see the finished product, you’re very clever.


It’s not too heavy but if it’s not secured on then the painting will tip off the easel when carrying it. Maybe I will give the painting to my customer in a separate box and he can put it on himself at the final moment


Yes, I would stick it on with royal icing as if you leave it for the customer just to place on it might fall off when they carry the cake in!


The royal icing worked fine. Thanks

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