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Problems with Ganash
I followed Paul,srecipe for Ganash but halved the ingredients. I used a half pint of double cream and one pound of chocolate. I did not put the cream in the microwave for 10minutes as suggested by Paul but I did heat the cream to boiling. The Ganash separated and I really don,tknew what went wrong. Has anyone else had this experience? Sorry about the typing I am using an iPad and not very good at it!
I followed Paul,srecipe for Ganash but halved the ingredients. I used a half pint of double cream and one pound of chocolate. I did not put the cream in the microwave for 10minutes as suggested by Paul but I did heat the cream to boiling. The Ganash separated and I really don,tknew what went wrong. Has anyone else had this experience? Sorry about the typing I am using an iPad and not very good at it!
Hi Jgibb
There are some past answers for this problem, if you put in the search box ‘oily ganache’ you’ll find some advice there. I think what you did was over heated the cream and the ganache curdled as a result. I hope this helps you.
i put my cream in the micro till its literally just starting to boil then take it out. also when you add the cream to the chocolate alot of people think its not working but just keep stiring and it should come together.
I’m so sorry you had all that waste, I know how awful it is to throw ingredients away. I also did that a while back but have learned better. White chocolate has to be treated with a lot more care as it has a higher content of fat and will separate if the cream is too hot. I now heat the cream until I can still put my pinky finger into it. I always grate my chocolate (the grater attachment of the food processor) and pour the cream onto the choc. I leave it alone for a few minutes, the heat of the cream will gradually dissolve the chocolate, then give it a little stir. If it cools down too much, I microwave on the lowest heat for a minute. Keep doing it until the ganache is lovely and smooth with no oil floating around.
Thanks madeitwithlove I ended up throwing it away and starting over…this time it thickened very quickly and I have just left it to cool as it is useable. It was nothing like Paul’s and I did think 10 minutes in the microwave to boil cream was excessive as that is what Paul had said in the video. I heated my first lot in the microwave for 3 minutes. I boiled the cream on the stove the second time and when it was bubbling quickly I used it.
Thank you to all who answered. I guess it takes practice. Having said that the second lot of ganache although started thick has proved to be okay as I have coated my first cake and it looks good. I will keep trying.