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asked September 11th 2012

Freezing decorated cake


I’m making a chocolate wedding cake that I have to transport from Glasgow to Somerset in a couple of weeks. If I cover it with chocolate ganache followed by fondant icing can I freeze the whole thing then it will slowly defrost as I travel south?




I’m making a chocolate wedding cake that I have to transport from Glasgow to Somerset in a couple of weeks. If I cover it with chocolate ganache followed by fondant icing can I freeze the whole thing then it will slowly defrost as I travel south?



hi lesleyn
No you can’t freeze cake once you have iced it with fondant
the ganache will keep you’r cake fresh


hi lesleyn
No you can’t freeze cake once you have iced it with fondant
the ganache will keep you’r cake fresh


Generally the rule of thumb is not to freeze fondant covered cakes. However I have done it on one occasion, I put it in the bax and froze if for a week. Took it out and left it in its box to defrost overnight. The cakes looked exactly as it did the day I made it. I would say to do a trial run and see what happens.

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