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asked September 13th 2012

Chalk effect

Hi all, does anyone know if there is anything white that I can use to write on a black clapperboard that will look like chalk? Thanks.


Hi all, does anyone know if there is anything white that I can use to write on a black clapperboard that will look like chalk? Thanks.


Hi Doodlecake

How about Squire’s kitchen pure white petal dusting power. It can be made up with a little vodka and you could use a fine paint brush to write on the clapperboard. x


Thanks miwl x


You’re welcome xx


That works well although my preferred option would be to drink the Vodka and try a small pot of Squires Edible White Paint 🙂


Just make sure you don’t drink the white paint and try to write with the vodka!!


Good point!

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