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asked September 18th 2012

Freezing cupcakes

Hi, I know cupcakes taste better if they’re eaten on the day they’re baked, but I’m fed up of getting up at the crack of dawn to start baking large cupcake orders. I keep meaning to try freezing some cupcakes to see how they fare, but haven’t got round to it. Has anyone noticed any adverse effects from freezing cupcakes before defrosting and decorating i.e. Soggy tops? Papercase coming away from sides?
Thanks alot!


Thanks Suzanne and Jayess, I am baking them professionally, so really don’t want to have to start tying ribbons around or using extra wrappers, although I know they would look very pretty! I might try the sugar syrup on some I do for at home and see what happens! Thanks again!


Hi loobianca

Paper coming away definitely, and because they are so small I noticed a depreciation in quality. I don’t freeze cupcakes, in fact I avoid baking them in the first place. I wonder if double packing them in cake boxes and shielded further with bubble wrap would make a difference? They would stay cool but not be affected by the moisture I have to make a hundred for the Macmillan Nurses world coffee morning, and I’m dreading it! this is just a suggestion to play with.


Hi madeitwithlove,

Thanks for that, looks like freezing is a no no for now then! Although next time I bake some just for us I shall try out your suggestion about packing them and see what happens. I actually do cupcakes in muffin sized cases, but yes, they’re still small compared to freezing a cake. I’ll just have to bite the bullet and carry on getting up early – or, maybe bake them the night before and just cover them lightly with a tea towel so they don’t go soggy – do you think they’d dry out though?

Good luck with the 100 cupcakes, are you baking them on the day?


I have freezed a few cupcakes previously have found it to be fine, but latley i have found they have been coming away from cases and have had mad panics and royal icing them back together, which is stressful and dsnt look good or professional. Im not sure if its just certain cupcake cases.

I would definatley suggest that this is a question for Paul. I have 100+ cupcakes to make soon and only have a single oven, so unsure what to do for freshness of cakes as selling on cake stall and would hate them to dry out. by the time you bake and decorate you run out of time! esp on large orders.

Hoepfully we will get the best ans for this.


Hi loobianca

No way am I baking them all on the same day!! I’m not as dedicated as you are!! I’ll bake over two days, not too bad to handle fifty at a time, I did that for children in need as well. I leave mine to completely cool and store in cake boxes overnight because even a hint of warmth will make the paper peel. I’ll make simple decorations like poured fondant, dark and white ganache and simple butter cream swirls. Might use smarties and other small sweeties, any thing to get them out of the way!! Love my big cakes, sooooo much easier, less hassle. Bthw, I don’t find my CCs dry out, once they’re decorated they stay moist. I have to admit though, I don’t worry because I’m not in business and most, if not all my cakes are donations. I feel for everyone who is in business and need to make good impressions. x


Hi sammydicken and madeitwithlove,

Thank you for your replies! Yes you do start to run out of time on large orders! I have thought about baking and buttercreaming them the night before so the cakes don”t dry out, but then the buttercream will harden a bit on the outside instead, and the sugarpaste decorations won’t stick on. On the other hand you can’t put the decorations on at the same time as buttercreaming as by the morning the sugarpaste decorations will have flopped. You just can’t win! Early morning starts it is for me I think!


I have had success with freezing cupcakes – even with fondant on. I think it part it comes down to the amount of fat in the cupcakes that can “upset” the paper cases If they are brought back to room temperature you can’t taste the difference and I only bake gluten free because of my intolerances and they can tend to dry out quicker than those made with glutenous flour. If the wrappers do come away try tying a ribbon around them or putting a wrapper around them. Please note I am not a professional baker and only do this for family and friends so I am not in business making and selling cakes. Hope this helps.


How about making the day before and adding a sugar syrup to retain moisture? Haven’t done myself so you will need to experiment.

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