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asked September 24th 2012

How long can white chocolate ganache keep on a cake

I know this has been asked before but……
I have made white chocolate ganache before and it has turned out good, I have seen questions on here about how long it lasts and some people say the cake is good for a week.
Knowing most cakes are made a few days in advance to complete the final decorations how long will the cake last for the customer.
My cakes are being collected on Friday for a Saturday night party so I will have to have them completed on the Thursday, this means I will have to cover them with the ganache Tuesday/Wednesday, I really want to use ganache but just don’t know how long it will be ok on the cake.

Anybody’s experiences would be appreciated


I know this has been asked before but……
I have made white chocolate ganache before and it has turned out good, I have seen questions on here about how long it lasts and some people say the cake is good for a week.
Knowing most cakes are made a few days in advance to complete the final decorations how long will the cake last for the customer.
My cakes are being collected on Friday for a Saturday night party so I will have to have them completed on the Thursday, this means I will have to cover them with the ganache Tuesday/Wednesday, I really want to use ganache but just don’t know how long it will be ok on the cake.

Anybody’s experiences would be appreciated


Hi cat71

Ganache is pretty stable and will be fine for your time frame. Just keep your cake in a cool place away from any source of heat like radiators and warm kitchens. I think all ganache is only as fresh as the date on the cream, but having said that, I’ve eaten cake two weeks later with ganache and it has been fine. I’m not advocating that you try it! Just a little reminder, don’t put fondant iced cakes in the fridge, but you know that anyway. xx


Thank you for that, I just don’t want to have to say ” by the way you must eat all the cake in a couple of days” I will check the dates on the cream. xx


I expect it will all get eaten up and they’ll be asking for more. Try and get a long date on the cream. x


Surely if there is sugar in the chocolate then this helps plus the heat treatment. I have eaten many a cake for a week or so after making. The cakes in see in supermarkets have long life.


Cakes in supermarkets are made to endure differences in temperature and have certain preservatives which are not readily available to home bakers. As I have said in my answer, I have eaten ganached covered cake which has been a couple weeks old and its been fine. However, when baking for clients and not knowing who may be consuming the product, it would be wiser to err on the side of caution.

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