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asked September 28th 2012

free course videos

im unable to view the free course videos, please help.


im unable to view the free course videos, please help.


Hi glory

Are you having problems with all of them or just one? I have just looked at the free section and it is working here. I am viewing in Firefox, it might help if you change your browser.


im having a problem with all of them


Hi Glory, I was having similar problems trying to watch on my iPad. I switched off and on again a couple of times and it started working again. I rarely switch my iPad off but they had a server crash the other day and if you haven’t rebooted whatever device you are using since then that might be the problem?


Hi Glory,

Sorry about the late response and thanks to everyone for helping out here. Could you drop me an email if you are still having trouble?

[email protected]


Paul Doffman
Customer Support

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