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asked October 29th 2012

Fondant sliding off choc ganache and air bubbles


What have I done wrong as after some hours the fondant got sticky and it starts like melting and even sliding off the cake.

I even got air bubbles 🙁




What have I done wrong as after some hours the fondant got sticky and it starts like melting and even sliding off the cake.

I even got air bubbles 🙁



It sounds like you’ve got some moisture problems. Air bubbles can be caused by fondant which has not been sufficiently smoothed out especially if it is placed on ganache/ butter cream which hasn’t fully set up and is applied too thickly. Moisture makes fondant sticky and shiny. It can be seen as a layer of dew on the surface and can sometimes make it melt or tear to a point where it starts to slide off. If your decoration isn’t damaged too much, you could dry it out by placing a fan near the cake, if it can’t be salvaged, you’ll have to remove the fondant, re ganache and re ice. Placing fondant iced cakes in the fridge can also produce this problem once warmer eternal air hits the fondant.

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