Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked January 2nd 2013

Cupcake Dummies

Hello All, I hope you all had a great Christmas and even better New Year x

Has anyone bought cupcake dummies?

I bought some from Ebay and although they look the part they do not fit ordinary cake cases, they are a tad small for the cases. Has anyone bought any and had the same problem or does anyone know where to get the right size ones from?

I have a few wedding shows to attend this year and wanted to take a cupcake wedding display with me.

Thanks everyone x


Hello All, I hope you all had a great Christmas and even better New Year x

Has anyone bought cupcake dummies?

I bought some from Ebay and although they look the part they do not fit ordinary cake cases, they are a tad small for the cases. Has anyone bought any and had the same problem or does anyone know where to get the right size ones from?

I have a few wedding shows to attend this year and wanted to take a cupcake wedding display with me.

Thanks everyone x


Happy New Year Jgibb, and hope you had a good Christmas. Have a look at this link for the CC dummies http://www.craftcompany.co.uk/equipment/polystyrene-dummies/cupcake-dummy.html. There are lots of other suppliers online, might be worth emailing them and asking whether their dummies fit normal size cases. G’ luck with finding the right size and the wedding shows.


Thanks for asking this question Jgibb as I’ve been wondering whether to buy these from eBay for a while – shall avoid them and check out what else is available online.

JC x


Hi JC if I find any on eBay that are the right size I will post it on here. I think a lot of stuff on eBay are just cheap copies etc but there are some good shops on there too.

Thank you MIWL I will check the link out.

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