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asked January 31st 2013

Friendly Dragon cake video not playing

I can play all other videos except this one? Its this video and the Jimmy Choo video. Both play the introduction video but not the course videos. please help!


I can play all other videos except this one? Its this video and the Jimmy Choo video. Both play the introduction video but not the course videos. please help!


Hi CupcakeBokkie,

I’ll have a look into this for you and let you know the result.

Thanks for making us aware,

Customer Support


I’m getting same response to the jimmy choo cake the same as I had on the topsy turvy cake.its only with the dropdown playlist versions.


Hi Guys,

We’ve had a few problems with the playlist not working on select browsers/phones and we’re (still) working hard on changing all the courses over to a layout that will work for everyone. We’re really close to getting that live now too!

I’ll change the layout of the courses mentioned above tonight so they will be viewable for you by the morning.

Again, apologies for the viewing problems and thanks for letting us know!



HI. these are still not working 🙁


Hi CupcakeBokkie

I’ve just played friendly dragon through and it works here in Firefox. Jimmy Choo has problems with lesson 3 in both days which have black screens. If you’re still experiencing problems in the morning might be worth just letting Andy or Matt know again. Contact [email protected] or [email protected].

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