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asked February 4th 2013

Day 2 of the VW Beatle cake

I cannot access day 2 of this tutorial, maybe I’m looking in the wrong place! Can you assist me?

Your Sincerely

Marian Mc Curdie


I cannot access day 2 of this tutorial, maybe I’m looking in the wrong place! Can you assist me?

Your Sincerely

Marian Mc Curdie


Hi Marian

The lessons are in the playlist on the right handside of the video. If you put your cursor on the edge of the screen you’ll get a dropdown arrow, scroll down and you’ll see day 2. I hope you can find it.


Thanks for the speedy reply ‘madeitwithlove’ !

Some of our older courses use a slightly different interface on the videos, we are currently working on changing all of these so watch the site closely!

If you are still having trouble after trying this please let us know here or by emailing me – [email protected]

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