What baking a cake could teach the student

BakingBaking is an enjoyable and extremely beneficial activity, especially for students. There are numerous reasons why pupils should learn how to make pastry.

For instance, baking with someone helps to build relationships, fosters cooperation, and teaches proper communication. Also, making a cake or cookies from scratch allows students to see the difference between processed foods and real ones, which gives an appreciation for wholesome meals.

Moreover, baking offers young people a chance to be praised for their accomplishments. Everybody loves to be encouraged and applauded for their efforts, so cooking gives another opportunity to get recognition.

Additionally, making a cake can contribute to school knowledge and skills since one can make this process very educational. Not only assignments and research papers can make students smarter. Young people often struggle with these types of work and turn for help to Writix.co.uk which is the leading essay service in the UK. Limiting to traditional teaching techniques and types of homework is not much effective for learning. Teachers should think out of the box and apply various methods to make the education process more productive and fun. And one of them can be baking. So let’s have a closer look at what this activity can teach students.

Mathematical thinking

In order to bake a cake, one needs to be able to work with measuring cups. This can teach young students to count and divide. Measuring cups are great visual aids to learn about thirds and fourths in fractions. Pupils can learn both to accurately measure precise amounts and to compare amounts like one cup and an eighth of a cup while gathering needed ingredients.


Creativity is one of the most valuable skills in today’s world. Baking may be a great way to develop this ability. Creativity can be expressed in both recipe development, its personalization by adding some ingredients, and cake presentation. Students can design a cake as an art project and decorate it in an extraordinary way.

Accepting failures

Failures are inevitable in everyone’s life. But not all students realize that should be viewed as a learning experience but not an issue. It’s easy to overlook something while baking a cake, failures may occur quite often. And instead of getting discouraged or disappointed, young people can just learn to accept them and plan their next steps accordingly.


Baking can be viewed as an opportunity to conduct science experiments. Students may offer hypotheses about what’s happening when one adds sugar to yeast or puts dough into the oven. Some chemical reactions can be explained to those interested in chemistry while making a cake. It can also help children learn about cause and effect as they see what happens when they mix certain ingredients and take some actions.

Thinking bakerCritical thinking

Even such a simple thing as cooking can help to boost critical thinking, which is necessary for all life aspects. When one has a cake recipe, they must understand how to evaluate and apply information in the right way. Maybe there is something that should be changed or improved, so students get a chance to overthink the instructions. Since the ability to think critically is essential for success, it should be developed as early as possible.


Naturally, baking requires some focus. One can easily mess a cake up if gets distracted by something else. Focusing can teach students to work in a state of flow and be completely concentrated on the task. Being able to focus on one thing at a time is a very valuable talent crucial for getting more accomplishments.


Even despite our huge efforts, baking a cake may sometimes end poorly. Mistakes made during cooking offer a great opportunity to acquire problem-solving skills. Any collapse requires students to think about how they can solve the problem. Looking for solutions in order to avoid failures in the future is a nice chance to become better at dealing with difficulties.


It’s great to be able to follow the instructions. But sometimes, straying from the path may be even more rewarding. Although baking typically requires exact measurements, most recipes still can be modified. This way, students can learn to be more flexible and try new things.

In general, cooking something for others is a great chance to serve and experience the joy of giving. Whether it’s baking a cake and sharing it with friends and families or just making a snack for siblings, it makes everyone happy. Most importantly, students can learn to demonstrate their love and care for others by preparing food. And who knows, maybe one day it can become their vocation and even grow into a successful business. Therefore, baking a cake is an amazing activity to add to the school curriculum.


Author’s Bio

Robert Everett is a school tutor and amateur confectioner. He loves teaching and cooking equally, so he tries to combine these two in his work. Robert views cooking as an effective and creative way to teach his students new facts and skills.








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