Cake International 2016: Our amazing students’ Christmas table

When Amy Bohan, one of our Pro members, came up with the idea of having a students’ table at this year’s Cake International, we nearly jumped for joy! What a brilliant way to show off the skills of our members and help them showcase their talents to a wider audience.

We decided on a Christmas theme (because who doesn’t love Christmas, right?!) and popped 40 tickets on Eventbrite. Without any warning the tickets were snapped up super fast, and so we had to approach Cake International to ask for a wee bit more space… Lucky for us they agreed to give us extra tables – 18 instead of the original 4! This meant we could release more tickets and in the end we had a grand total of 60 students join us to show off their cakey creations at Cake International 2016.

We were so pleased when Michelle Pattinson of VS Cakes offered to step up and take on all the admin of running the table (we love you Mish!), and she did an incredible job – everything went so smoothly!


There was a real sense of camaraderie amongst the students, with everyone helping and encouraging each other via our private Facebook group. Throughout the setting up day, there was such a buzz in the air as the cakes began to arrive. Some students even told us they’d watched our posts on Facebook Live on the way there in the car, and could barely contain their excitement.

Beforehand we hadn’t seen any of the cakes the students were planning on bringing, so when they were all displayed on our lovely Christmas themed table, we were blown away by the standard and quality of designs on show. From beginners to advanced level, the designs truly showed off their talents and that’s something to be really proud of.


Cake International was such a brilliant event to be a part of and we are so pleased so many of you could be there with your incredible creations. There was a true sense of community and being part of the Paul Bradford Family is really what it’s all about. Already looking forward to next year!

Keep an eye on Facebook for pics of all the incredible cakes…

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