CakeFlix Business Boot Camp

Interested in growing your cake business?

2020-2023 have proven to be extremely difficult times for those in the cake industry. However, economic signs are more positive so this is a great time to get you and your business in shape to take advantage of the opportunities that 2024 will bring.

David led Truly Scrumptious Designer Cakes through the financial crisis of 2008-2009. The same despair was around then and nobody thought there would be a positive outcome. However, from 2010 until Covid struck in 2020 the economy and businesses were generally in a good place.

The good times will return and with many leaving the cake industry, there will be great opportunities for those who can work through these challenging times.

  • Do you want more profit?
  • Do you need help with pricing your cakes? Time management? Sales? Confidence?
  • Want to learn some extra cool and effective marketing techniques?
  • Need inspiration and guidance?
  • Have the support of CakeFlix and fellow Pro members?
  • Do you want a plan that will help you achieve SUCCESS?

Then Boot Camp has been designed especially for you. Spend time improving your cake business skills and the results will be amazing.

CakeFlix PRO Members Only

Not yet a Member then this a great time to join…

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Watch Previous CakeFlix Business Boot Camp Journeys

CakeFlix Business Boot Camp has run in 2021,2022, 2023 and 2024, as a CakeFlix PRO MEMBER, the content is available for you to review atPress release your leisure. Simply head to the Business main menu option for Kick Start your Business for the 2024 presentations.

Give yourself 8 weeks and follow each of the lessons and you are guaranteed to have a clearer more positive direction for your business. There are lots of extra learning activities, hints and tips and specialists brought in for specific topics. Give yourself and your business the best chance of success.

“On a personal level, Boot Camp gave me a real positive boost and confidence in myself and ability to succeed. I came away from the course with a greater understanding of my business and what I need to do to progress to where I want to be. I now have a clear business plan, including a marketing plan and finally an understanding of and handle on my costs and cash flow. In addition to this, I have a clear focus for my branding and what branding actually means. I feel a great excitement now about future opportunities and what can be achieved now that I have completed this course. My Pro membership has really been an excellent investment.” – Melanie Kelly, Mel Kelly Cakes and Bakes

CakeFlix Business Boot Camp Lessons


There were some excellent Business Action Plans and business goals and objectives provided by the Boot Camp learners’. However, the stand out came from  Julie Walker. Click the image on the left to download Julie’s full plan.

“Boot Camp gave me a structure and a focus to really get down on paper everything that I had in my head as to how I want to run my business and the steps I need to take to make it a success. The knowledge and expertise given to you on this course is absolutely invaluable and I will benefit anyone either starting out or needing a bit of focus and support.” – Julie Walker, Cakes by the Sea


Boot Camp 2024

Week 1

Creating the Mindset for Success in your cake business

Week 2

Mojo, Time Management and a very simple Business Plan

Week 3Written Goals

Pricing cakes and flower arrangements

Set up costs

Running costs

Pricing charts

Capacity planning

Week 4

Branding with business

Week 5

Cake Photography

How to get great cake pictures without breaking the bank!

Week 6

How to identify your target audience

Effective Online Marketing

Effective Offline Marketing

Week  7

Wedding consultations – achieve a 98% conversion rateLimitations are self imposed

How to effectively host a stand at a wedding fayre

SWOT Analysis

Week 8

Top 10 Business owners mistakes’

How to avoid them

Business action plan

Where do I sign up?

There is no need to register. All the content is available to CakeFlix Pro members and all future live shows and follow-up Q&A sessions are shown in the CakeFlix Facebook Pro Group. We have been so delighted with the feedback from the 202 Boot Camp members that we wanted to share the content with all CakeFlix Pro members current and future.

Remember that as a CakeFlix Pro member you also get access to 1733 Online Cake Courses and well as our CakeFlix TV Apps and many more benefits.

Save 50% on Annual PRO Today! 

What CakeFlix Business Boot Camp Learners Have to Say…

“I don’t have a business yet, but want to start one in the near future. Boot Camp helped me to understand better different aspects of a business. It also gave me the tools for changing my mindset and encouraged me to believe in myself. I would change the name in “Boost Camp”. – Sandra Zuncheddu

“Taking this course has set me on a new path both personally and professionally. The knowledge gained has been invaluable and is a resource that can be referred back to when required.” – Sandra – Sweet Celebrations

“David has clearly put in a lot of time and research into providing a business focused boot camp that is inclusive for both existing and new cake business entrepreneurs. It was made accessible to me as it’s part of my Pro membership, which I also thoroughly recommend anyone who loves this industry to join. His knowledge is invaluable and it’s so clear both he and Paul thoroughly enjoy and have the tools to take cake makers and business owners to their next level!” – Cheryl Spencer Flavour & Flair Designer Cakes

“Boot Camp was a real call to action. It provided me with the tools, information and most importantly the confidence to make the leap from hobby baker to small business owner on my own terms.” – Rachel Bishop Inclusively Cake

“It’s been positive giving me a kick to motivate myself again and it inspired me to do more while the mojo was lost.” – Nichola Meaney, Class in Cakes

“It’s been great, highlighted a few areas I had neglected due to Covid. Mojo, health. It’s given me the lift I needed to move forward. The old classic of if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. Boot Camp has broken that cycle.” – Jan Foster Cake Chimp

Positive mental attitude

“I did this course to get me to focus on if I wanted to revamp and continue my cake business or not. Because of illness for over a year and then the pandemic, my business is at rock bottom. It took me to the last class to realise this is really what I want to do. So now I am going over everything again in more detail, new name, colours everything so could be a while.

Pricing was my favourite lesson. My family just laughed when I told them about the class. (what have we been telling you for years). My daughter, who wanted to practice her book keeping, helped me go through everything.

The guide with the 3 different prices is the best thing since slice bread.

With everything going on I have had no orders. Two days after the last class,  I got 8 orders in the one day, don’t know how that came about.  I had my price chart ready, but I felt a bit sick as I pressed send to the first customer. They all came back with positively and some even said, if you need to go up to the next price point that would be ok. It feels so good not to be worrying about my prices anymore. Thank you both so much.” Bernadette Dunne

“I followed all the bootcamp throughout the weeks and I’ve applied much of it to my business…my profits have increased substantially. This is down to you and the confidence you installed in me.  Tell Paul I had first wedding cake consultation last night after bootcamp, cake fully organised, booked in and deposit paid via bank transfer in under 45 mins!!!”Mandy Black

“Amazing!! It’s given me the courage to face some things that I was very nervous about. It’s also given me some great ideas and confirmed what is working well and what isn’t. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there will be a Boot Camp 2 (hint hint, wink wink).” – Julie Bosworth Whimsical Characters

“Opened my eyes to its more than just making and selling cakes, realising your worth, how to make yourself stand out and the checks and balancing needed.” – Kate Weppner, Kate for Cakes

“Boot Camp gave me a structure and a focus to really get down on paper everything that I had in my head as to how I want to run my business and the steps I need to take to make it a success. The knowledge and expertise given to you on this course is absolutely invaluable and I will benefit anyone either starting out or needing a bit of focus and support.” – Julie Walker, Cakes by the Sea

“It has really helped me to focus on what I actually want from my business, not what I think I “should” want. It has also reminded me that I’m part of an industry sector and it’s not just me! It has been wonderful to feel I have someone to guide and advise me who has real knowledge of the cake world. Plus the group support of the other people on the course has been lovely too.” – Catherine Heap

“The changes I have made so far I feel have already made a difference. I am now advertising that I am both an award winning cake artist and listed on Three Best Rated, with confidence and belief.” – Deborah Edwards – Deborah’s Cakes and Sugarcraft

“Boot camp is a brilliant way to get you to focus on the other side of the business and not just baking cakes. It also gets you to understand more about pricing your time correctly so you do make a profit would recommend any one that really wants to succeed in the cake business world to take this course. You won’t regret it.” – Viv Green of Viv’s Vision Cakes

“Listen , engage, follow through all the points – even if at your own pace – because not only are you worth it, but these guys are tremendous.”? – Amazing Creations Scotland


“Boot Camp was a reality check and wake up call for me. I knew most things, but never really bothered trying hard enough to be really successful and do things properly. I will still need to work with myself, motivation, confidence etc, but now I feel that I really can do and have the proper tools to succeed. Absolutely enjoyed the Boot Camp and I believe it will eventually lead to thriving business in the future.” – Ingrida Samoskiene Indigo Sweet Cake Studio

“Boot Camp helped towards moving me out of my comfort zone and inspired me to make improvements to re-launch my business. It has been helping to build my self- confidence. Two quotes that have resonated are, ‘Excellence over Perfection’ and ‘I Can /’t’.  I’m very pleased to have been a part of this course and really appreciate the time and dedication David and Paul have given in sharing their knowledge and expertise.” – Deane-Mae Baker – Deane-Mae Bakes

“I thoroughly recommend the boot camp; David and Paul’s experience has helped to create a course that provides a clear path to running a successful business.” – Wolf River Bakery

“Boot Camp has really inspired me to start my business. I have really enjoyed the course and learnt so much. I don’t think I would be brave enough if I hadn’t taken part.” – Teresa Grist

“I really believe that the Boot Camp will make a huge impact on how I set up my business when I finally get ready to launch.” – Vikki Schofield – Auntie Vikki’s Cakes

“Boot Camp gave me a focus to dedicate the time to learn about the things that are very important to my business and that I wasn’t very good at dealing with.” – Andrea Babcock Everyone’s Favourite Cakes & Bakes

“Boot Camp inspired me to finding a bigger premises and shown me how you need to have a strong business plan in place in order to keep you organised and efficient in managing your own company.” – Karen Ash Karen’s Cake Studio

“Boot Camp has given me the tools and knowledge to take my cake business to the next level. It is presented in a format that is easy to follow and understand. David and Paul provide a platform anyone can fit into their busy schedule. I struggled with business planning until I took this course. We were also privileged to have a very beneficial class by Chef Nicholas Lodge. I highly recommend Boot Camp to anyone who wants to improve their cake business knowledge.” – Debbie Matthews Seaside Cakes


“Boot Camp has made me cement my ideas, and has made me think properly about what direction I want my business to go. It has given me the confidence I need to know that I can turn my ideas into reality.” – Fiona McKillop, The Cake Kitchen

“I now understand the core of my business much better, where to focus time and energy to enable efficiencies and growth, how to value and promote my product – I’m excited to apply these new strategies to my daily working.” – Dawn Hannemann, Hunni Bakes

“Even though I have a hard time understanding the language, the commitment and well-directed instructions make sense. It is not making and selling cakes, it is understanding sales from the self as a decorator and the knowledge of how to carry out a business in every sense of the word. I feel with knowledge and a sense of competitiveness I belonged and was worth as a businesswoman. I learned a lot . Thanks you so much.” – Milagro Chinchilla – The Duchess Artisan Pastry

“I have been relooking at my name/branding and prices, been given determination to conquer spreadsheets so that together I can calculate my earning potential and complete a business plan for my future (hopefully in France!) AND you gave me the confidence to quote and book my very first wedding!!! Thank you so much.” – Rachel Summerfield, Cake Designs by Rachel

“I can organise my time more efficiently, have been able to take on more orders, have had many more referrals and mentions on social media and have confidence in my skills, to see my worth and promote myself more.” – Gina Rickaby Great Cakes

“Before I participated in Bootcamp I was utterly clueless about all aspects of business, I still have a huge amount to learn but Boot Camp has been a great start and also to discover the wealth of information in the Cakeflix Pro-Membership.” – Valerie Trimble, Valerie`s Cakes

“The sessions were informative, practical and provided a stretch for growth. I now feel more confident in my business as I have knowledge I can implement to direct my success! I am a “10” on my determination, where that was not my number coming in to this. I am so grateful, and cannot wait to share my success with you both from the growth I have received from this knowledge.” – E. DeLayne Grimes-Elebee Cake Dazzle, USA (Georgia)

“Right now I am super excited to put everything I have learnt into practice and watch my business grow with a clear plan for its future.” – Fiona Parker, Say it with Cakes

“The main impact for me is the confidence I have gained and the setting of goals to make a difference in the direction I want to take.” – Kerry Hurst, Cakes by Kerry

“I’ve been in the industry for 20 years but always played small and it gave me the opportunity to start over and the kick up the bum to get things moving.” – Leigh bray

“I’m so motivated to get things done now, aiming for excellence of course, and not perfection. This is something I say on the daily basis now, and it has made such a difference to my day.” – Andrea Babcock Everyone’s Favourite Cakes & Bakes


“The course has provided major food for thought and introduced new thinking in how my business will operate. I’ve several things I want to be able to do, this course has shed light on the path required to achieve these things.” – Sheryl Thomas, Skye High Cake Designs

“I really have appreciated your time and effort in putting this together. Although I haven’t a complete business plan it is on the way, which will help to achieve my goal.” – Amanda Ganslandt

“Through the Boot Camp I got loads of information about starting a cake business the right way and what it means to have a cake business. Not only information on practical things were discussed, you also had to think about your own mindset. Therefore, with each lesson I got food for thought because having a business is not only about numbers it is also about your mental wellbeing.” – Roxane Lubbers

“The impact has been that I have changed direction back to what I originally was going to do. Afternoon teas with small cakes. I have been collecting for years all my equipment and that will be my springboard into occasion and novelty cakes. I now know how to put a business plan together and feel confident in running a successful business. Fantastic!” – Sharon Joy cakes crafted with love (brand in development)

“I now understand the value of a business plan and getting the costing correct.” – Devitt’s Food Company Ltd

“Boot camp went beyond explaining the business processes to proving the tools and resources so I could implement my learning into action.” – Natasha – Baketopia

“Boot Camp has made me apply value to what I have been wanting to do for a while. It has helped me bring into focus all the plans floating around in my brain. It has given me direction and drive to make my business a reality.” – Mo Sutton – Fondant Mo’ments

“It has made me rethink things, sit down and talk things through. I have rebranded, planned for 1st April . A new very simple website as I don’t get much from it, all Instagram orders. Pricing I am ok with , have used Cake boss for years , everything is priced out , wonderful website (for me) but did tweaked it a bit. Mostly it was the small things I learnt . I feel that I was not so far from your ideal but felt energised that I completed it.” – Jeannette Akhtar The Cake Creators (of Sheffield )

“Well, Cake was my hobby. I made and sold some cakes while I had my job. Now since I left work, I will use your expertise when establishing my business. I am still studying all related issues and your course gave insight on things I did not think I needed to look into.” – Nadia Zaroubi Nadiaz Cakes


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