Delighted to announce that Paul Bradford will be teaching in Liguira, North West Italy between 1st and 7th June 2012.
This is Paul’s 4th year teaching cake decorating in the area and delighted to again be guests of kolorando ArteGusto and Pasticceria Setti.
In previous trips Paul has worked with small groups at Andrea Setti’s Pasticceria in Arma di Taggi and probably most challenging was to a group of around 100 Italian cuisine students.
Just before Paul went on stage to teach the students he learned that the cake he had planned to make for Prince Albert of Monaco the following date needed to be brought forward. This meant that he had to demonstrate the actual cake destined for the Royal Palace of Monaco in front of an audience with a language barrier and significant time pressure.
Once the cake was completed, with David and Andrea, Paul then rushed to Monaco. Sadly just missed meeting Prince Albert but was rewarded with a tour of the private quarters of the palace, including Princess Grace’s room, which was simply amazing.
The trips to Italy are always great fun, hard work and always an opportunity to meet lovely people with a passion for cake decorating.
Please see below for details of the courses and how to book.
Here’s a short clip of Paul making the cake for Prince Albert (apologies for the poor quality)
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“Master Cake Designer with Paul Bradford”
by kolorando ArteGusto and Pasticceria Setti
Spett.le Kolorando ArteGusto – Corso Roma 48 – 18013 Diano Marina (M)
Choose below your course :
3 courses save 8%
4 courses save 10%
5 courses save15%
June 1st, 2012
The Round Bow
€ 135,00
June 4th , 2012
Sugar flowers for beginners
€ 170,00
June 5th , 2012
9,00 – 18,00
12 cupcakes
€ 110,00
June 6th , 2012
9,00 – 18,00
The bag
€ 160,00
June 7th , 2012
9,00 – 18,00
The shoe on the box
€ 170,00
Personal details
Name | |
Surname | |
Tax code | |
Address | |
Town | |
Tel. number | |
The price is including a little working kit that you will find on the place.
All the material more needed for the work is property of the organization .
- All the courses have a limited number of places. If the requirements would be more than the
available places, will be accepted those arrived earlier correctly filled and subscribed..
- For the validity of registration , after sending the form , a copy of the money transfer must be send to the following address : [email protected]
The payment can be divided in two times: an advance of the 30% at the moment of the registration and the remaining 70 % on the day of the course . As all the materials are bought in advance for a better organization, in the case of waiver the account will be lost.
* We’ll give you all the data for the money transfer after receiving the registration form.
By subscribing and sending this form, you are granting the consense for the treatment of your data, according with the italian law D.L. 196/2003.
I accept all the terms and conditions written on this registration form.
Surname and name _________________________
Place and date _____________________________________
Sign ______________________________________