Dawn Butler, our fantastic guest tutor, filmed a tutorial with us and it is due to launch very soon yay!! We were so pleased that Dawn came to film a tutorial for us! If you haven’t heard of Dawn, you may have heard of her company Dinkydoodle Designs?

Hello all! I can’t tell you how excited I am that my new exclusive cake is being launched on the Paul Bradford website. It seems so long ago now that I went to go and film it, during the Easter holidays with my family in tow.
So much has happened since then!, I’m currently writing this note to you from the other side of the pond, in in Austin, Texas to be precise, having just finished day one of a two day class with Wayne Steinkopt of Swank Cake Design. Wayne and I are currently touring America together teaching a vintage sewing machine class, incorporating airbrush and cake frame of course, as well as Wayne’s speciality, cake lace!
Here is a photograph from the class:

It’s super hot here, and I have to say I’m having a blast, mainly because I’ve brought my kids with me, both Daniel and Matthew are having a ball, and my husband Paul will join us next week! It’s such a once in a lifetime experience, I really do pinch myself everyday. I’m so lucky to be travelling the world, and I have each and every one of you thank for that
So what can you expect from me for the rest of the year? Well I hope to have my cake frame car kit out soon, making stunning car cakes will never have been so easy, ALSO I have a new range of classic water based airbrush colours now available, bringing airbrushing back to basics, and with a price tag that easy to reach……. Don’t worry though my current ethanol colours are still going strong!
There will be new Cake Frame joints out soon too, so you can look forward to things like the “Cross/T” joint and “Y” joints and larger cake frame baseboards too!
So until then, sit back, relax and sit the kettle on, (maybe even treat yourself to a biscuit) and enjoy the new tutorial on its way …….. I’m very proud of this tutorial…. It not only looks impressive, but was an absolute joy to make for Paul Bradford Sugarcraft School.
If you would like to find out more about Dawn and her cake adventures, then you can by following her on Facebook or her Website.
We cannot wait for you all to watch and enjoy this tutorial, which will be released tomorrow….Any guesses what it could be?