It’s Easter the time of chocolate, rolling eggs down a hill, chocolate, family, chocolate and CAKE!! (well that’s my Easter at least). And we love all those things especial cake! So as well as this weeks course showing you how to make some super cute Easter cupcakes we thought as an extra gift to all our members (free members included) we would release this photo tutorial that was shot last year for a magazine but never publish in the UK. Enjoy!
Remember you will need to log in to see it!

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Please log in or join as a free member to see each step of how to make this cake.
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Covering and preparing the cake
- Layer the cake with ganache
- Cover with the pale green sugarpaste

- Roll the white sugarpaste then cut out approx 15cm Oval from the centre then place over the top of the cake to cover the board
- Trim the sugarpaste and smooth in to give a neat finish then apply ribbon to the side of the board using the non-toxic glue stick

- Roll the green (grass) sugarpaste into a sausage cut into different sized small sections which you roll into a ball then taper one end. Using the quilting tool draw a line down the centre of the sugarpaste then cut the bottom off
- Place the grass in groups around the cake with the tops falling forward slightly

- Roll out the yellow (daffodil) sugarpaste and using your start cutter cut out the daffodil flower heads

- Using the quilting tool drawn lines from the centre to the outside of each leaf and press a centre into the flower then place the flower heads around the grass attaching with sugar glue
- Roll out the Orange sugarpaste and cut into little balls then push the Cone tool into the balls to form the trumpet part of the daffodil then insert into the daffodil flower sticking with sugar glue
Stone Effect
- Roll out the Grey sugarpaste and cut into a sausage shape then cut into various small sizes then roll into balls

- Place the balls around the bottom of the grass to give the stone garden effect

- Using the remainder of your green sugarpaste roll into several large sausage shapes then taper at the end to give the Fir Tree effect.
- Insert the spaghetti into the centre of the tree then create the branches cutting into the sugarpaste with scissors
- Snap off the spaghetti leaving around 5cm to stick into the cake

- Add some more grey stones at the bottom of the trees
- Roll the Pink sugarpaste into a round cone shape to form the body then add a smaller white piece of sugarpaste for the rabbit’s chest
- Place the cone shape into the cake securing with a piece of spaghetti

- To make the feet roll approx. 40g of white sugarpaste then cut in half then roll into a cone shape then with your Dresden tool mark the shapes for the toes of the rabbit. Attach the feet to the body of the rabbit with sugar glue.
- For the arms roll out approx. 20g of pink sugarpaste then cut into two then taper. Mark in the fingers using the Dresden tool and attach to the shoulders using sugar glue
- Roll out a ball of white sugarpaste for the tail make it fluffy by cutting into the sugarpaste with scissors then attach to the back of the body
- Roll out a ball of around 15g of pink sugarpaste for the head then roll out a small ball of white sugarpaste then attach to the pink head to create the muzzle

- Roll out a small pair of white eyes with pink eyeballs. Using the edible pen create eyeballs
- Using the back of your knife press down at the centre of the white muzzle to give the bunny rabbit look
- Using your paint brush create a mouth
- Add a piece of sugarpaste as the neck to the piece of spaghetti sticking out of the body and add a white sugar bow and attach to the neck then add the head on top
- Roll out two small piece of pink sugarpaste then taper to form the ears then insert white sugarpaste into the middle to form the inner ear
- Using sugar glue add to the head with maybe one ear flopping over
Baby Rabbit
- Roll out the Jade sugarpaste into a round cone shape
- Using white sugarpaste add a diaper marking the shape using a Dresden tool
- Then create the rest of the rabbit as before
Optional Ducks
- Using a very small amount of yellow sugarpaste roll into a cone shape
- Cut the wings with scissors
- Adding beak, eyes and feet shaped as desired
To Finish
- To finish add some long strands of grass behind the rabbits
- Add mini eggs to the cake as desired
