How to Ganache Cakes Without Gnashing Your Teeth!

Sometimes we just want to ganache one cake which is not part of a tier, if you’re like me and keep a massive stash of chocolate hidden away you’ll probably wing it for the amount you need, if not … Read on!

Ganache is so easy to make up and to have slightly too much or too little isn’t really a big hardship, however for larger or different combination cakes it’s good to have some idea on the amounts of chocolate and cream required.

I’ve pestered my long suffering hubby Howard to create a simple chart to help sort out ingredients for individual cakes and tiers, it may be that you will need slightly more or slightly less depending on the thickness of covering and filling you prefer.


Ganache Chart – by user ‘madeitwithlove’

For a word compatible .docx download click here

The chart is based on amounts used in Paul’s tutorials for an 8 inch cake filled and covered, it takes into account the surface and filling area and is factored against the surface area of an 8 inch cake.

The ratio for dark chocolate to cream is the normal 2:1, I have used 3:1 ratio for both milk and white chocolate. Some sites will recommend 2.5:1 ratio for milk chocolate but from my personal experience milk chocolate takes longer to set than dark and should be treated the same as white chocolate, I’ve also noticed other sites say ganache should be whisked before filling and covering cakes, however whisking ganache can prevent it from setting firmly. Adding too much air into the mix will make it moussey and in some cases shorten the shelf life, airborne microbes will also be incorporated which could encourage mould growth. I feel, whisked ganache is best kept for making truffles and desserts, where a small amount of added glucose or alcohol will lengthen the shelf life for as much as a week, however, it’s up to individuals how they prefer to make up their ganache.


Medusa’s bad hair day – made by user ‘madeitwithlove’

I hope you will find the chart useful. Happy baking and decorating everyone!



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