1Cut the top off your cake to level it out and use a sharp serrated knife to give it a curved edge. Make it a little uneven to replicate a real pizza crust.
Pizza Cake! Learn how to make a pizza out of cake!

2Use the knife to cut a shallow circle in the sponge, around 1″ from the outside edge

3Use a spoon to scoop out the middle of the cake, to a depth of 0.75 – 1″.

4Crumb coat the cake with buttercream, filling the middle with a reasonable amount to make it tasty.

5Colour the 700g of sugar paste using a little yellow and chestnut, to make a pale tan colour. Cover the cake, being sure to press it down into the dip.

6Use a touch of the copper dust and a little autumn gold to start adding texture to the pizza crust, to emulate the burnt bits.

7Continue adding dusts, using some nutkin brown to add depth and champagne to look like a dusting of flour. Spray with confections glaze, giving a good coat all over the crust.

8Colour 25g of the modelling paste with chestnut and poppy, to make a brownish/pink colour, and 10g with a tiny bit of chestnut and yellow to make a pale cream colour. Roll out the pink and pinch off tiny bits of the cream to scatter on top.

9Roll over the pink and cream bits with your rolling pin to squish the cream bits into the pink. Use modelling tools to add texture.

10Use the circle cutters to cut big and small slices of salami and pepperoni. Dry them on something shaped, such as a spoon, so they replicate the even shape of cooked salami.

11Colour 30g of the modelling paste using chestnut and dark brown, to make a fairly dull pale brown colour. Shape into rough hemispheres between 2cm and 3cm in diameter. Use the modelling tools to add texture as shown.

12Colour the remaining 15g of modelling paste with poppy and dark brown, to make a pinker colour than for the salami. Roll it out fairly thick. Roll the remaining cream paste thin and cut into fine strips. Use a little water to attach them to the pink

13Roll over the pink and cream with the rolling pin to squish it together. Cut the bacon into pieces and scrunch it a little to give it the right shape for crispy cooked bacon.

14Dust the salami starting with a little of the Christmas red. Add some autumn gold to make it a little orangey, followed by a touch of copper and dark brown to darken some areas and add texture. Try to avoid getting dust on the cream bits and fnish with a coat of confectioners glaze.

15To colour the meatballs, use a combination of copper, nutkin brown and brown suede, varying the intensity of the colour to give a texture look. Finish with two or three coats of confectioners glaze, so they look shiny… or rather greasy!

16Avoiding the cream bits, use the Christmas red to make the bacon a slightly brighter red and then a little nutkin brown to darken some areas. Use champagne to add depth to the ‘fat’ and a little copper and brown suede on the edges where the burnt crispy bits would be

17Using a cheese grater, grate the 150g of dried-out fondant. You don’t want it to be completely dried out, but old enough that it does grate rather than just smoosh in your hand.

18Cheese! If you have a multi grater, make some with both the big and small grater as this will give extra texture and realism to the finished cake.

19Mix a few tablespoons of raspberry jam with a little buttercream. Mix in some poppy and a touch of dark brown colouring to make it the right colour for tomato puree. Use the angled spatula to spread the mixture onto the cake.
9″ Round cake, about 2″ deep
700g white sugar paste
80g modelling patse
150g dried out ivory sugar paste
Sharp serrated knife
Seeded Raspberry jam
Gel colours used:
Rainbow Dust – Chestnut, Poppy, Yellow, Dark Brown
Dust colours used:
EdAble Art – Copper, Brown Suede, Christmas Red
Sugarflair – Nutkin Brown, Champagne, Autumn Gold
A soft paint brush
Spray confectioners glaze
Liquid confectioners glaze and brush
Modelling tools
Rolling pin
4cm and 1.5cm circle cutters
Small angled spatula
Cheese grater
9″ Round cake, about 2″ deep
700g white sugar paste
80g modelling patse
150g dried out ivory sugar paste
Sharp serrated knife
Seeded Raspberry jam
Gel colours used:
Rainbow Dust – Chestnut, Poppy, Yellow, Dark Brown
Dust colours used:
EdAble Art – Copper, Brown Suede, Christmas Red
Sugarflair – Nutkin Brown, Champagne, Autumn Gold
A soft paint brush
Spray confectioners glaze
Liquid confectioners glaze and brush
Modelling tools
Rolling pin
4cm and 1.5cm circle cutters
Small angled spatula
Cheese grater

20Add a thin layer of cheese to your pizza, mixing the two sizes if you have them.
Add your toppings and for a final flourish, add a little more champagne dust to the crust so it looks like flour…
Bon Appétit
Add your toppings and for a final flourish, add a little more champagne dust to the crust so it looks like flour…
Bon Appétit