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Watch an action packed summary of this whole tutorial.
1. Ganaching the cake
Goda starts by neatly ganaching the cake.
2. Creating the cover for the book
In this lessons Goda creates the cover for the book.
3. Covering the cake
Time now top cover the cake.
4. Shaping the pages
Check out this cool technique to create the pages of the book.
5. Covering the cake board
Goda now neatly covers the cake board.
6. Adding the face and small tentacles
The Octopus shapes start to appear as Goda adds the face and small tentacles.
7. Sculpting the face and adding the eyes
In this lesson the Octopus really starts to come to life as Goda sculpts the face and adds the eyes.
8. Continuing to sculpt the face
Goda continues to sculpt the Octopus’s face.
9. Adding the large tentacles
Now its time to start adding the large tentacles.
10. Adding veins to the forehead
It’s time to make the Octopus scary by adding veins to the forehead.
11. Adding the cover and book spine
We’re getting there, so now its time to add the cover and book spine.
12. Adding the octopus legs to the cake board
Goda now adds the octopus legs to the cake board.
13. Airbrushing the cake
This is where the magic starts to happen with clever shading with the airbrush to create an amazing horror book effect.
14. Dusting the cake
Nearly there! Goda now adds colour dusts to the cake to really show off the texture and design.
15. Uncovering the eyes
The last thing to do is to uncover the eyes and bring the Octopus to life.
16. Other Ideas
Goda provides some extra hints and tips on how to use the skills and techniques taught.
17. PRO Lesson
In this lesson, Goda talks all about pricing and selling a cake like this.
3D Octopus Horror Book cake tutorial by Goda Laivyte
Create this magical 3D octopus design, which really shows up well with such amazing techniques to really bring the horror of the octopus on the book to life. Goda is a champion of modelling so sit back and watch this amazing artist at work.
In this tutorial you will learn how to:
- Cut and ganache the shape of the book cake
- Sculpt the head and tentacles
- Airbrush the cake creating highlights to great effect
- Highlight the texture on the cake for more dramatic effect
- and much, much more!