Black Widow Spider Cake Decorating and Baking Tutorial

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Black Widow Spider
with Dot Klerck
Skill level: Intermediate
HD Lessons: 8
Decorating time: 1.5 hours
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Highlights of the Black Widow spider course.

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1. Explaining the stand

The stand is perhaps the most important part of this design so it’s essential that we get it right. Watch how Dot explains how to place the feet taking special note that the middle two legs are from one piece of bing wire and the outer two are another piece.

NOTE: You’ll need the templates from the tab below. The spiders legs are bent from the body out at 7,11,10,5 and 7cm.

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2. Carving the cake

Using the side template as a guide Dot and Paul get to work carving away the distinctive spider shape. Watch how Dot takes little shavings a bit at a time until she is happy with the cake, using the sketches as her reference points.

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3. Adding the cake

With eight legs to content with, Dot manages to get the cake onto the board, which is the first time the stand gets put under some weight pressure and thankfully it stays floating on the wires.  They then add a layer of ganache in preparation for the covering.

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4. Covering the cake

This is a very awkward shape and takes quite a bit of cutting, massaging and manipulating into shape. As this is a live feed there are no second chances, but they manage to pull it off leaving a smooth finish.

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5. Covering the legs

This is where the spider really starts to look realistic as the legs get covered. Each piece is added separately to give the legs their realistic joins.


NOTE: Dot adds the sugarpaste over the wire. If this is for a customer then you must make the wire food safe.  

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6. Adding the extra features

The spider now needs an antenna and other distinctive features so always referring back to the reference images they add bit by bit, which is worth it for the overall shape and look.

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7. Finishing touches

Just a case of covering the board, adding the ribbon and some extra decoration and finishing with a spray of colour from the airbrush.

Black Widow Spider Cake Tutorial with Paul Bradford & Dorothy Klerck

Learn how to make an incredible black widow spider cake with the talented Dorothy Klerck (accompanied by Paul Bradford) Filmed live in the CakeFlix studio, this raw, unedited live show teaches you how to make this wonderful design from scratch.

In the following tutorial you will learn how to:

  • Create a stand suitable for creating cakey creatures on
  • Carve awkward shapes out of cake
  • Cover awkward shapes
  • Paint to give a gloss finish
  • and much, much more

Don’t forget to share your interpretations of this wonderful cake with Paul and the rest of the CakeFlix community on our Facebook group.

View hundreds of more world-class tutorials only at

Dot Klerck

Dot Klerck

Dorothy Klerck, better known as Dot, is best known for her amazing life size sculpted animals. Her work is simply breathtaking and having created lifelike and life sized lions, giraffes and even elephants, no wonder her work has captured the imagination the world over. Dot lives in Wellington, West Cape, South Africa with her husband and family of two boys and two girls. Her international work takes her all over the world requiring her to spend around 3 months of the year away from home. Her teaching takes her to every continent and she has also made some amazing private commissions too. Her motto is; You dream..we create..if you can't dream..we do that for you too...all in cake! She is an amazing person and extremely talented artist, who just loves her job, which you can see from her amazing creations.
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