Box of Chocolates Valentine’s Cake Decorating and Baking Tutorial

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Box of Chocolates Valentine’s
with Paul Bradford
Skill level: Easy Cake Decorating | Cakeflix - Beginner Level Courses
HD Lessons: 9
Decorating time: 2-4 Hours
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1. Creating the Box

Paul explains and demonstrates how to create and sugarcoat the chocolate box shape. See how easy it is to make the box look like the real thing!
NOTE: If you would like to see how Paul covers a lipped cake go to the Extra Lesson (after Lesson 7) on this course.
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2. Lace Preparation

In this lesson you can learn how to mix the Cake Lace and apply it to the Cake Lace matt.
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3. Sugarpaste Roses

See how easy you can create roses from sugarpaste. Learn how to prepare and add petals to the flowers and look out for Paul dropping a few to the floor!
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4. Applying the Lace

The fragile white lace needs special attention. You can learn how to apply it to any surface with this demonstration from Paul. Practice the application with Paul and once you get the hang of it you’ll be able to transform your cakes in minutes!
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5. Ribbons and Chocolates

In this lesson you can watch Paul transferring the cake onto the iced board, add ribbons and add chocolates. The Chocolate Box cake takes shape in this lesson and you can also learn how to add a golden shine to your roses.
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6. Creating the Bow

Learn how to make a nice lace bow for the lid of your chocolate box cake. You can use a bow like this one for many of your future creations or change the design slightly to better compliment your cakes.
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7. Name Tag and Finishing Touches

In this lesson you can see Paul painting freehand on the name tag he created out of sugarpaste.

As the chocolate box comes together Paul applies some finishing touches to the cake. See how to mount the lid and give the creation some glamour and shine using the clear PME spray glaze.


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8. Other Ideas

Box of Chocolates Valentine’s Cake – Other Ideas



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9. Pro Members

Box of Chocolates Valentine’s Cake – Pro Lesson



Who will be your lucky Valentine? They’re sure to be thrilled with this Chocolate Box Valentine’s Cake. A great cake course to learn for beginners and looks divine!

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford´s mission is to ‘Empower people to achieve their cake decorating dreams’ by providing a range of cake decorating courses and online tutorials through their website, which currently teaches 195,000+ students.  
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