Data Protection - GDPR - Cake Business Tutorial

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Data Protection – GDPR
with David Brice
HD Lessons: 1
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1. Data Protection - GDPR

Data protection in this digital age is very important. This lesson sets out the data protection rules relevant for anyone with customers within the European Union under GDPR.

For more information read our GDPR Blog.

Check if your business needs to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

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Learn everything you need to know about new GDPR data protection…

Data Protection – GDPR isn’t the most exciting topic I’m afraid, but it’s one of those things as business owners that we must comply with or we could end up in bother!

It’s not as daunting as it might seem at first and once you put the systems in place, you can happily get back on with making cakes.

There is some more information on our GDPR blog.

Engage with more like-minded cake professionals by joining our Professional cake decorating group on Facebook.

David Brice

David Brice

David Brice is the lead business tutor with CakeFlix, which has won Cake Masters awards Best Learning Experience in 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019.
David´s career started in the Army then he moved over to become a civil servant with the MOD then latterly the Scottish Government.  His job prior to leaving was as a speech writer for the Transport Minister, which came with huge kudos, good salary and great pension. However, he wasn´t fulfilled, he knew that there was more to life than the role that he found himself in.
David knew Paul for a couple of years before Paul started his Cake Business in 2002, helping with some of the paperwork and admin required to set up a business. As Paul´s success grew it was clear that his business needed more support so in 2005 David left the security of his job and joined Paul in the cake business. That was a leap of faith as David had not, and still hasn´t, decorated a cake. However, he could see the potential and they grew the business to seven outlets with 35 staff. It wasn´t all plain sailing and its the highs and lows of that journey along with a lot of studying on business best practice that he shares in his Cake Business tutorials.
Paul and David sold the cake business to concentrate on teaching and are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experiences to help others.
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