Fairy Cake Decorating and Baking Tutorial

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with Barbara Regini
Skill level: Advanced Cake Decorating | CakeFlix - Skill Level Courses
HD Lessons: 11
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1. Starting with the head

In the first lesson, Barbie shows us how to create a beautifully shaped female head, using just the slightest of movements. You’ll be amazed how much you can achieve with your hands.

The approximate amount of sugarpaste for each body part is…

65g for head
100g body
45g each leg
25g each arm

For the full tutorial see Italian Fairies

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2. Working on the eyes

Barbie demonstrates how to bring out the eyes, using a sugar shaper as well as a dresden and a ball tool.

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3. Working on the body

The size of the body is key – so make sure the length of the body is twice the size of the head. Barbie shows us simple hand movements to form the shape of the body.

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4. Working on the body

Barbie uses two balls of sugarpaste each weighing 40g each which should give the perfect starting amount for the legs.

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5. Working on the legs

Barbie uses two balls of sugarpaste each weighing 40g each which should give the perfect starting amount for the legs.

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6. Working on the arms

Barbie uses to balls of sugarpaste,weighing 18g each this time, and gradually cuts little bits away as she forms the hands.

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7. Painting the eyes

This may sound simple enough, but if you know modelling you will know that the eyes are perhaps the most vital part to get right. Watch and learn how to really bring your model to life with attention to detail.

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8. Finishing the eyes and the ears

In this lesson, Barbie shows us a few other things we can do to add even further realism to the eyes. She also offers tips on an incredibly quick way to make the ears.

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9. Additional facial expressions

Barbie shows us how to create adorable sad or upset faces… just in case you wanted to melt people’s hearts with your models!

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10. Adding the fairy to the cake

Barbie now assembles the first fairy on the cake using edible glue, as well as a large bamboo skewer to keep it all in place.

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11. Adding the dress and hair

Learn how to create realistic movement with shapers through simple but delicate work.

Barbara Regini

Barbara Regini

Barbara Regini was born in Milan on February 5 '82. Surrounded by Art since she was inspired and attended the Art College majoring in sculpture and decoration.
She started in sugar art in 2014 and immediately fell in love this form of Art and Design.
She specialises in modelling techniques addressing a style that combines art and Sugar reinterpreting it with joy. She loves teaching and participates in national exhibitions and has won numerous competitions and was selected among the ten national finalists Glamouritaliancakes at Sigep in Rimini in 2013.
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