Safari Giraffe Animal Cake | CakeFlix Cake Decorating and Baking Tutorial

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Safari Giraffe Animal Cake | CakeFlix
with Paul Bradford
Skill level: Intermediate
HD Lessons: 12
Decorating time: 1 Day
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Here we have carefully selected all the key parts that should give you more than enough to get started. Perfect for anyone struggling for time.

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1. Covering the Board

In this lesson Paul first of all talks us through the design and then goes onto start covering the board. Paul decides to go for a striped board and so rolls out blue and white strips of sugarpaste which he then places on the board with some edible glue and rolls over gently to flatten.

To see how Paul prepares his cakes click here. Here you will learn how to ganache and cover a two tier cake.

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2. Airbrushing and Adding the Animal Stripes

Paul has had a wee think and now would like to add some colour to the second tier. Using his airbrush he adds a nice green a yellow hue to the cake which adds to the wild feel of the overall design. He has printed of some animal prints with his edible printer to approx 6” high by 2” in width which he then cuts out and adds around the cake leaving a gap in between.

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3. Adding the Coloured Stripes

Paul has cut away the tops of the animal stripes to neaten it up and has Rolled out all the pastel colours of sugarpaste. Paul then uses a ribbon cutter to cut them all to size and places them in between the animal stripes.

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4. Adding the Name and the Leaves

Paul has printed out a boy’s name (Jack) all in capital and is using it the cut around the giraffe prints. Use a nice small sharp knife and be very careful. Once all the letters are cut out simply attach them with a little edible glue. Now it’s time to add the leaves using a little green flower paste and then a little airbrushing to bring them to life.

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5. Making the Giraffe

To decorate the bottom of the cake Paul makes up some small balls of sugarpaste using all the same different colours of sugarpaste. You’ll be pleased to know that the giraffe is actually quitre simple to make and is supported with a bamboo skewer and of course a little CMC  powder added to help strengthen the body.

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6. Adding detail to the Giraffe Part 1

Paul now goes onto to add the antlers and a cute little hair do. For the giraffe cot Paull cuts up lots of little roughly cut rectangular pieces of sugarpaste and adds them with a little edible glue. This gives it a nice cartoon feel.

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7. Adding detail to the Giraffe Part 2

In Part 2 Paul completes the head and lots of little additions.

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8. Finishing the Giraffe

Here Paul brings everything together to finish the giraffe.

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9. Finishing Touches

Paul finishes of the giraffe and gives it some nice rosey cheeks and lips with a little rose dust by sugarmill. Paul actually forgets to add the tail in this lesson but decides not to use wire as it looks a bit too like a cat’s tail and instead opts for a thin sausage resting on the board which we’re sure you will agree looks cute.

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10. Other Ideas

In this lesson Paul shares some ideas you can use when making this cake to make it unique to you. We’re sure that by now you have some of your own and we would love to see your take on the Giraffe Cake.

Please share your pictures with us on our facebook page.

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11. Pro Lesson

Here Paul share some insider information vital for any professional cake designer.

Paul introduces us to his cute Safari Giraffe Animal Cake | CakeFlix. A very fresh and fun cake that has so many possibilities for various design ideas and different models sitting on top of the cake.
This cake is perfect for birthday celebrations and could be altered to fit an event such as a christening.  This tutorial incorporates many different skills and techniques such as working with edible paper, cutting out letters, modelling work, dusting and airbrushing.  The Safari Giraffe Animal Cake | CakeFlix is a great cake for beginner/intermediate level and one that would be a great cake to add to your CV.


  • Scientific name: Giraffa camelopardalis
  • Habitat: African savannas and woodlands
  • Height: Up to 19 feet (5.8 meters)
  • Weight: Up to 4,200 pounds (1,900 kilograms)
  • Diet: Leaves, buds, and shoots of trees
  • Lifespan: Up to 25 years in the wild

Physical Characteristics

  • Long neck and legs
  • Tan or brown coat with dark spots
  • Prehensile tongue
  • Large, tufted ears
  • Two horn-like ossicones on the top of the head


  • Social animals that live in herds
  • Communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations and body language
  • Herbivores that spend most of their time eating
  • Can run up to 35 miles per hour (56 kilometers per hour)

Conservation Status

  • Giraffes are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List
  • Populations are threatened by habitat loss, poaching, and climate change

Interesting Facts

  • Giraffes have the longest necks of any animal
  • Their tongues can be up to 2 feet (0.6 meters) long
  • Giraffes can sleep standing up
  • They are the tallest mammals on Earth

Don’t forget to share your interpretations of this wonderful cake with Paul and the rest of the CakeFlix Family on our Facebook group.

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Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford´s mission is to ‘Empower people to achieve their cake decorating dreams’ by providing a range of cake decorating courses and online tutorials through their website, which currently teaches 195,000+ students.  
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