Halloween Pumpkin Man Cake Decorating and Baking Tutorial

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Halloween Pumpkin Man
with Paul Bradford
Skill level: Intermediate
HD Lessons: 23
Decorating time: 6 hours
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Bite Sized

Watch Paul make the whole cake in just 2 mins 20 seconds!

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Watch an action packed summary of this whole tutorial.

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1. Carving and ganaching the cake

Let’s get started by carving and ganaching the cake.

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2. Covering and adding texture

In this lesson Paul shows how to cover and add texture to the sugarpaste.

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3. Making the jacket

It’s now time to make the jacket.

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4. Adding details to the jacket

Paul now adds some details to add to the jacket look.

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5. Making the bobblehead

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6. Making the arms

Now it’s time to add the arms.

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7. Hiding the secret

In this lesson Paul hides away the mechanism that makes the head bobble leaving guests saying…how did they do that!

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8. Carving the head - Part 1

The Pumpkin head is the key feature of this design and in this lesson Paul gets started by carving the shape.

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9. Carving the head - Part 2

Paul now completes the carving of the head.

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10. Ganaching the head

Time to get messy by applying the ganache to the head.

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11. Covering the head - Part 1

Covering the head is in two parts, in this lesson you’ll see part 1.

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12. Covering the head - Part 2

This is the second part to covering the head where the Pumpkin look really comes to life.

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13. Adding details to the head

Paul now spends some time adding features to the Pumpkin face.

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14. Painting the head - Part 1

Time to get the brushes out and start painting the head.

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15. Painting the head - Part 2

The details are all now coming to life as Paul continues painting the face.

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16. Painting the head and body

Paul now moves on to paint the head and body in this lesson.

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17. Making the hands

Time now to create add the hands.

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18. Painting and adding the stock

Nearly there, Paul now paints and adds the stock.

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19. Finishing Touches

Well done! Time now just to add those all important finishing touches.

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20. Other Ideas

Paul provides some extra hints and tips on how to use the skills and techniques taught.

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21. Pro Lesson

In this lesson, Paul talks all about pricing and selling a cake like this.

Halloween Pumpkin Man cake tutorial by Paul Bradford

Check out this amazing bobblehead style cake, which will be sure to spook the guests at this Halloween party! Paul shows an incredible technique of balance and structure to come up with this incredible design.

In this tutorial you will learn how to:

  • Carve a 3D cake
  • Create a fun wobble structure for the cake
  • Sculpt a pumpkin head
  • Paint and add dust to bring a cake to life
  • and much, much more!
Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford´s mission is to ‘Empower people to achieve their cake decorating dreams’ by providing a range of cake decorating courses and online tutorials through their website, which currently teaches 195,000+ students.  
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