Mermaid Cake Decorating and Baking Tutorial

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with Paul Bradford
Skill level: Easy Cake Decorating | Cakeflix - Beginner Level Courses
HD Lessons: 16
Decorating time: 1 Day
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Here, we’ve carefully selected the key parts from the entire tutorial and condensed it into an 10 min long video. More than enough to get you started without taking up too much of your time.

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1. Designing the cake

Before now the cake had not been designed and there had been no consultation. Here we see it all happen in front of the camera as Paul sketches out the design.

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2. Layering the cake

In this lesson Jenna and Paul cut the cake and layer it with yummy ganache in preparation for shaping it and covering.

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3. Ganaching the cake

Here, the cake is covered in a lovely thick layer of ganache and then smoothed with a wet palette knife before going into the fridge to set. Then it’s time to get your hands dirty if you can bare it.

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4. Covering the cake

Now it’s time to cover the cake in white sugarpaste and Paul shows us how to work away pleats when covering tall cakes.

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5. Airbrushing and adding sand

If you have never used an airbrush before this lesson is for you. We see a beginner cake designer who has never used one put it to very good use without hesitation. Then it’s time to mix a little sugar with some edible dusts and we have lovely golden sand.

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6. Making the mermaid tail

In this lesson Paul shows us how to make a lovely flowing mermaid tail

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7. Making the body

Paul now gets the expensive modelling paste out to make the body. It’s always worth investing in good modelling paste as it is much easier to work with and lasts longer too.

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8. Making the head/face

Now for the frightening part, making the head! This is the most definitely the most difficult part about making a model and Jenna who has never made one before does very well indeed. A natural talent as well as a great teacher of course.

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9. Painting the eyes

This is one of the most important part as this can make or break all of your hard work making the head. It;s all about not overloading your brush and working gradually and delicately.

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10. Adding the head, shells and arms

Now it’s time to add the head and remember and consider where you put the hole in the bottom of the head as this determines how the head sits.

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11. Adding the hair and painting the tail E

Paul and Jenna have decided to go for simple hair for two reasons, time restraints and also because Jenna actually quite liked it’s simplicity.

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12. Finishing touches

In this lesson we see the final details being added to the board.using some lovely glitter dust and plunger cutters.

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13. Other ideas

Paul shares some other ideas you can try out during this project. We’re sure you’ve some of your own, and we’d love to see what brilliant alterations you’ve made.

Share your pics with us on our Facebook page.

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14. Pro lesson

Paul shares some insider information about the cost to make this cake. He also shares his advice on pricing, portions and other vital information necessary for any professional cake designer.

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15. Interview

Here, we get to know Jenna a bit more and see some of Paul’s early cakes.

In this tutorial, we see Paul teach Jenna how to make her first cake. Let that sink in…her first ever cake!

Jenna’s mum, Sue, was instrumental in the setting up of the business back in 2002 and has been on the receiving end of a number of Paul’s cakes since. Now for her eighteenth birthday, Paul has brought her into the studio to teach her how to make her very own mermaid cake, which is I’m sure you’ll agree was a huge success. Jenna is now off to University to study medicine with a pretty good sideline in cakes if she needs it!

If you have ever doubted your ability to make a model or use an airbrush or even just carve and cover a cake then this tutorial is for you. Before your very eyes you will see a complete beginner create a fantastic cake from scratch.

This cake is perfect for birthday parties and of course, lovers of mermaids.

Follow this cake tutorial with Paul and Jenna to pick up some new skills and techniques which include:

  • Stacking and carving cake
  • Working with ganache
  • Covering awkward shapes
  • Simple Airbrushing
  • Modelling
  • Edible painting

And much more

This tutorial is perfect for a beginner cake designer looking to try something new.

We’d love to see your take on the Mermaid Cake – so make sure you share your photos with us on our Facebook page.

You can also use our recently updated cake calculator to work out portions, ganache, sugarpaste and more.

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford´s mission is to ‘Empower people to achieve their cake decorating dreams’ by providing a range of cake decorating courses and online tutorials through their website, which currently teaches 195,000+ students.  
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