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Watch Goda make this amazing design in just over a minute!
Watch the key learning points of this tutorial in under 5 minutes.
1. Adding Texture to the covered cake
Goda starts with a covered cake, then in this lesson adds the texture to the sugarpaste to start to give that underwater look.
If you want to see how to cover a double barrelled cake with sugarpaste click HERE.
2. Adding the coral - Part 1
In this lesson Goda starts to create and add the coral to the sides of the cake.
3. Adding the coral - Part 2
Goda continues to create and add the coral to the cake.
4. Adding the Mermaid's tail
It is now time to start adding the mermaids tails.
5. Adding decorations using moulds
In this lesson Goda creates some under water decorations using moulds to great effect.
6. Adding the decorations to the cake
The cake really comes to life now as Goda adds the decorations.
7. Adding final decorations
Goda now adds some extra final decorations to give the scene that extra busy look.
8. lesson 8 - Finishing touches
To finish off Goda adds some final tweaks to this amazing design.
9. Other Ideas
Goda shares some different ways to maximise the skills learned in this tutorial.
10. Pro lesson
Goda shares some pricing ideas and business related uses for this cake.
Mermaid’s Dream cake tutorial by Goda Laivyte
Check out this underwater mermaid’s dream cake design made by the amazing Goda Layvite. Goda is known for her amazing modelling designs and she shares so many useful hints and tips on this tutorial.
In this tutorial you will learn how to:
- Create texture and shaping of the sugarpaste
- Create a variety of different shapes for the decorations
- Colour the cake with dry dust colours
- Model and shape the mermaid tails
- Model coral decorations
Don’t forget to share your interpretations of this wonderful cake with Paul and the rest of the CakeFlix community on our Facebook group.
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