Silver Leaf Couture Cake Decorating and Baking Tutorial

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Silver Leaf Couture
with Paul Bradford
Skill level: Intermediate
HD Lessons: 16
Decorating time: 2 daysx`
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1. Components of the Stand

Paul explains the main components to bring together his bespoke stand and the basics of covering the tiers in preparation for decoration.

Note: If you need guidance on stacking and covering a double barrelled cake click HERE

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2. Mixing the colours

Trialling Evaporex, a new alcohol-free quick dry lustre mix, Paul mixes the paint colours then brushes the colours onto the cakes.

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3. Making the Leaves

Using cutters and veiners Paul creates 40 leaves for each size of the leaf cutters (3cm,4cm,5cm,6cm,6.5cm). A bit repetitive this one!

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4. Creating the Petals

Using flower paste Paul shows how to create and shape the flower petals.

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5. Making Wafer Feathers

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to make wafer paper flowers with frilled edges.

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6. Making the Fantasy Flower

Paul then brings arranges the petals around a wired crystal centre to make amazing fantasy flowers.

Note: Later Paul realises that it would be better to paint the petals the same colour as the cake at this stage before adding.  (See Lesson 12)

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7. Making the Stand

In this lesson, Paul brings together some inexpensive components to make a fantastic stand for the cake, which can be used over and over again.  

Note: Paul later suggests using a wider base to add more stability.

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8. Stacking the Cakes

Paul fixes the balance of the stand to make sure it’s level then stacks all three tiers.

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9. Painting the leaves

Using a mix of lustres Paul creates an amazing silver colour which he then paints all the leaves with – you might want to have a coffee before starting this one!

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10. Adding the Leaves to the Cake

This is where the creativity starts. You can follow Paul or create your own interpretation with the assemble leaves.

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11. Adding the Feathers

Using some mix, well Fabriliquid, Paul shows how to give the feathers a lovely curl giving that random feather effect around the base of the cake.

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12. Painting and finishing the Fantasy Flower

Paul reflects here and wishes that he had painted the flower back at Lesson 6, but if not just follow Paul’s strategy to bring it all together to blend beautifully into the cake.

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13. Decorating the edge of the Board

To finish off Paul creates beautiful brooch moulds around the board to finish the lovely Silver Fern Couture Wedding Cake.

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14. Other Ideas

Paul mentions some other ideas you could create using the skills you have just learned.

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15. Pro Lesson

Paul discusses the time, costs and retail price for a design like this.

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16. Highlights

A look at some highlights from the lesson.

Learn how to make this Silver Leaf Couture Cake with Paul Bradford…

In this tutorial, Paul Bradford teaches you how to make this incredible Silver Leaf cake. Perfect for Weddings and Birthdays.

The skills and techniques learned in this tutorial can be used for a whole host of occasions and interpretations.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Make realistic and edible leaves
  • Create wafer feathers
  • Use edible paint effectively
  • Create a bespoke stand for your cakes
  • Cake stack

Don’t forget to share your interpretations of this wonderful cake with Paul and rest of the Sugarcraft community on our Facebook group.

Who knows? You may even end up featured in one of our monthly members’ cake blogs.



Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford´s mission is to ‘Empower people to achieve their cake decorating dreams’ by providing a range of cake decorating courses and online tutorials through their website, which currently teaches 195,000+ students.  
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