Tutorial Preview
Bite Sized
Watch Janette make her Vintage Perfume Bottle in just one minute!
In this 15 minute video, we share some of the best bits from the full course.
1. Covering the board
Learn to cover the board with a simple wood panel effect.
2. Layering and carving
Janette shows you how to layer the cake and carve it into the perfume bottle shape.
3. Ganaching
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ganache the cake with smooth surfaces and neat edges.
4. Covering with sugarpaste
How to cover the cake with sugarpaste and smooth the edges.
5. Airbrushing
In this lesson, Janette shows you how to airbrush the cake with a beautiful blue/green colour and painting highlights.
6. Starting the details
In this lesson, we will be using moulds for the decorations and making the centre plaque.
7. Making the bottle stopper
Janette uses a variety of techniques to show you how to make the bottle top.
8. Painting
Janette finishes off the cake by painting the silver.
9. Other Ideas
Janette has a few ideas how to add your own touch to this cake and add extras for a real showstopper cake.
10. PRO Lesson
Learn how much this cake cost to make, and an idea of how much to sell it for.
Vintage Perfume Bottle Cake Tutorial
Join Janette making this beautiful vintage perfume bottle! Learn cake carving, airbrushing and decorative detailing.
In the following tutorial, you will learn how to…
- Carve a cake
- Airbrush subtle features
- Use moulds for detailed decoration
- Create a simple wood panel effect
- and much, much more
Don’t forget to share your interpretations of this wonderful cake with Paul and the rest of the CakeFlix community on our Facebook group.
View hundreds of more world-class tutorials only at www.cakeflix.com.