Wafer paper rose Sugarcraft Technique Cake Decorating and Baking Tutorial

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Wafer paper rose Sugarcraft Technique
with Raewyn Read
Skill level: Easy Cake Decorating | Cakeflix - Beginner Level Courses
HD Lessons: 1
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1. Preparing the flowers

For the full tutorial see Tropical Sunrise Wedding Cake

Raewyn demonstrates techniques to create stunning flowers.

Raewyn Read

Raewyn Read

Raewyn Read is an award-winning, international cake decorator and instructor who discovered her passion for cake decorating when she made her youngest daughter's first birthday cake, utilizing the strong base of art and design knowledge she had honed through many years of creative pursuits. She is able to create using a variety of mediums but is mostly known for her figure modelling and original design concepts which have lead to her participating in numerous collaborations, including the award-winning Starry Night collaboration, and teaching cake decorating classes all across America, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia, including her own studio in Sydney.
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