Q&A – Week 2 | Sinking Cakes, Pricing a Cake and Wilting Sugar flowers

Q&A – Week 2

As most of our members will be aware, we have a Q&A section on our website, where you can search and ask any cake related questions which may have been troubling you. It is also a place for people who may know a thing or two about cakes, and can offer your own advice, tips and answers to any of your fellow cake decorating members. Sharing is caring of course!

Within the Q&A we have noticed similar questions cropping up here and there, so we thought it would be a good idea to clear some of these questions by asking the experts – Paul and David!

If you have any cake related questions, feel free to pop them onto the Q&A and if you can think of any questions that you would like Paul and David to answer, then feel free to drop us an email at [email protected] and hopefully your question will appear in one of our Q&A videos in the near future!

Question Time

Q1. How do I prevent my cake from sinking in the middle?

A1. Paul suggests these top 2 reasons below:
a. Opening the oven too soon
b. To much rising agent

Q2. How to price a cake in 60 seconds!?

A2.David suggests using this Rule:-

– Ingredients Cost (30% of overall cake price)
– Running Costs (30% of overall cake price)
– Your Wage (30% of overall cake price)
– Profit or Tax (10% of overall cake price)

Q3. How do I prevent sugar flowers from wilting?

A3. Paul suggests either not putting sugar flowers in a window, whilst it is damp or using a dehumidifier to prevent them from wilting.

We hope this has been helpful! If you have any other cake-related questions, please do search our Q&A for the answer and if you still can’t find it, post your question and one of our superhero cake experts will be happy to help! 🙂

Until next time! Enjoy! x

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