Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked August 10th 2015

10 ×8 choc spong recipes

Having a go at one of the handbag cakes. Where can i find the chocolate sponge recipe so i may get quantites correct.


Having a go at one of the handbag cakes. Where can i find the chocolate sponge recipe so i may get quantites correct.


Hello heatherierobina

For the 10 x 8 coversion which I did for another member take a peek here:

‘Paul’s moist chocolate cake’ My feed back

The original recipe can be found by clicking on the ingredients tab here:

Paul’s Firm and Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe

If you would like to scale other recipes up or down it can done by using either my ready reckoner tool or the cakeometer here:

What Size cake tin to use

Paul’s moist chocolate cake recipe has attracted many comments on the site. For some members, it initially proved a little tricky. However lots of members have baked it up with great success and have left excellent feedback, hints, tips, advice and tweaks for a successful bake. To see all the comments take a peek here:

‘Paul’s moist chocolate cake’ My feed back

Don’t be put off by some of the comments at the beginning because most of the members who were having problems soon resolved them. Read on for a wealth of positive comments.

Hope the above helps.


many thanks for the feedback.

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