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3 Tier Wedding Cake
Hi, I have to make a 3 tier cake for Friday. I always use a basic sponge recipe of 3eggs, 6ozs
flour, sugar and butter, provided I dowel the cake properly will it withstand being stacked. I’m just a bit nervous as I’ve never stacked a cake before.
Many thanks in advance
Hi, I have to make a 3 tier cake for Friday. I always use a basic sponge recipe of 3eggs, 6ozs
flour, sugar and butter, provided I dowel the cake properly will it withstand being stacked. I’m just a bit nervous as I’ve never stacked a cake before.
Many thanks in advance
Hi Karen
Will all the tiers be the same sponge recipe? Sponge cakes are fine to stack as long as you don’t place a heavier cake on the tiers above which could result in the lower tiers collapsing. It’s a bit nerve wracking at first but if you following Paul’s tutorials you have nothing to worry about. This tutorial http://www.cakeflix.com/online-cake-decorating-courses/bride-and-groom-rose-wedding-cake will help, as will any which shows cake stacking. Scroll down to lesson 4 and see how Paul makes the guide where to place the dowels and the number of dowels he uses. If you need more help during your stacking just post again, lots of members will be happy give guidance. x
Yes they are all the same. Thanks for your help