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asked February 2nd 2016

3 Tiered Chocolate Cake – Type of Dowels.

I have searched on the website but unable to find the following information. I need to dowel 14″ and 10″ (and 6″ not dowelled) heavy chocolate cake with chocolate ganache.
1. What type of dowels would you recommend for this?
2. How many per cake?
3. Would it require a centre dowel?
4. The cakecard for the 10″ and 6″ should it be a Double Thick cake card OR a the normal light cakecard?

The best part of being a member is help is always at hand .

Thank you.


I have searched on the website but unable to find the following information. I need to dowel 14″ and 10″ (and 6″ not dowelled) heavy chocolate cake with chocolate ganache.
1. What type of dowels would you recommend for this?
2. How many per cake?
3. Would it require a centre dowel?
4. The cakecard for the 10″ and 6″ should it be a Double Thick cake card OR a the normal light cakecard?

The best part of being a member is help is always at hand .

Thank you.


Hello SkyCakes

Paul has a complete section on how to dowel and stack cakes here:

Stacking Cakes

All the lessons show how to dowel and stack a tier cake very clearly.

Paul uses nine dowel system with plastic dowels like these:

In most of the tutorials Paul uses 3mm cake cards as separators. However he has sometimes used cake 12mm drums which are thicker and heavier. It depends whether you want some extra height to the tiers. If not, just use 3mm cake cards. There are also 1mm cake cards for lighter sponge cakes and to use as a platform for making models on. Cake drums are always used as the base for the bottom tier.

The supplier cake-stuff should carry all your equipment requirements. Although it does pay to shop around for best supplies and carriage charges. Hope this helps. x

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