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asked December 2nd 2015

8 x 4.5″ Tall Round Clear Pillars

hi everyone hope your all well.. does anyone know where to get these 4.5 inch clear pillars paul uses from ? i need them in the next couple of weeks x x


hi everyone hope your all well.. does anyone know where to get these 4.5 inch clear pillars paul uses from ? i need them in the next couple of weeks x x


Hello AngieS

They can be bought online through many cake decorating suppy store. Google ‘4.5 clear cake pillars’ to see all the stockist.
Alternatively have a look here:


thank you how important is it for them to be 4.5 in do you think ?
ive found 4in round ones xx


Hi AngieS

Did cake craft world not have any? I’m sure there must be other suppliers with the right size. I haven’t made the crystal palace cake so I don’t really know how crucial the size is. It may be it’s just for aesthetic reasons to give height to the structure. You may well be able to get away with 4″ pillars but I would make sure by leaving a comment under the video or contact the site via the contact form here:



everywhere seems to be sold out theres the square shape in stock if i have to get 4.5 but would like the round if poss x x


If I come across any round ones I’ll post directly here to you. Mean while I’ll keep looking, I know you need them soon. xx


thank you the reqests form, davids come back he asked paul an he said 4in is fine to use so will order them thank you for all your help xx


Glad you got it sorted. It’s always best to make sure. xx


Me again,
Would you mind having a look at these for me please ? what thickness would you get ?


Angie xxx


I think the 5mm thickness would be good if you’re going to use them with the pillars. xx


You think these will be OK can’t seem to find glass x thank you x


Hi AngieS

After I answered you earlier regarding the product in the link you gave, I found the following:
As you can see the product in this link is made of acrylic which is safer and lighter than glass and made for use with food. Hope this helps answer your question. xx

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