Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked February 27th 2015

9″ cake price

what do you think the approximate price for a 9″ make up cake. This is my first time I make a cake for money. So, just what can I approximately charge for it?


what do you think the approximate price for a 9″ make up cake. This is my first time I make a cake for money. So, just what can I approximately charge for it?


Hi dodi

The price you charge depends on your own skills. It’s a good idea to find out what other people with similar skills in your area are charging.. You wouldn’t want to over charge and price yourself out of the market. However you would not want to under charge either because you have handmade a cake with your own skills and spent time and resources on.
Paul and David both have good advice on this subject. It is also extenisvely covered in the Pro courses and on the site by members asking similar questions. I realise that you would like a quick opinion. I would recommend that you read these blogs for professonal guidence:
After reading David’s blog scroll down to the yellow teddy and read the part which says solutions. The is an extrememly helpful guide to use based on your skills and whether you are in business.
For more information and member’s questions and opinions type in the above search box
‘pricing’ and ‘pricing cakes’. There is no simple answer to your question, I hope you will find help in all the given links. Congratulations for making your first cake for money, wishing you more sucess in the future!


thank you very much. I really appreciate


You’re welcome dodi. x

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