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asked January 4th 2013

9inch deep cake

I made a chocolate cake last night using 8 eggs but I feel it has not risen enough its only about 2.5 inches high. Does anyone have a recipe for a nice deep cake
Thank you


I made a chocolate cake last night using 8 eggs but I feel it has not risen enough its only about 2.5 inches high. Does anyone have a recipe for a nice deep cake
Thank you


Hi Cazhgs

Did you make Paul’s moist chocolate cake or another recipe? I’ve made Paul’s recipe several times and my cake usually bakes up about the same as you. I slice my cake into three, by the time it’s filled and decorated it ends up just over three inches. If you’ve used the creaming method it is important to cream the sugar and butter very well to incorporate as much air into the mix. Eggs have to be added slowing again beaten in well after each addition for aerating the batter. Nine eggs is a lot, so is it possible your batter curdled? To prevent over curdling adding a table spoon of flour during mixing will bring the consistency to what it should be. At this stage beat slowing. .Have a look at http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/page/2, there may be some hints and tips which may help. There are also lots of tips in ‘Paul’s moist chocolate cake’ in popular questions on the right side of this page. You will see some recipes which other members have followed and the ensuing results. Hope this helps.


Thanks for your help 🙂 really appreciate it

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