Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked July 3rd 2013

about cup cake

Paul I like it the Easter cup cake, how long the shelf life and the colour that which using for decoration food color or not, if not how can eating the top?
Cup cake we can put in the refrigerator or not thanks


Paul I like it the Easter cup cake, how long the shelf life and the colour that which using for decoration food color or not, if not how can eating the top?
Cup cake we can put in the refrigerator or not thanks


Hello elza-abebe-beyene

Cupcakes are always best on the day which they are made but they are fine for about three days before they become a little dry and stale. To keep them nice and moist you can brush them with a little simple syrup or put a filling inside like jam or butter cream. All the decorations are edible including the colours which are for food. The cupcakes have been covered in fondant which should not be put in the fridge because the moisture from the cold will make it go very sticky and messy. Also the colours will become damp and bleed into one another. I hope my answer helps, if you need more information please post again.

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