Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked June 14th 2013

About plann

I have plan to start my business form home but how can I be measurable and realistic ‘can you more elaborate?
To open cake business I have to get work experience?


I have plan to start my business form home but how can I be measurable and realistic ‘can you more elaborate?
To open cake business I have to get work experience?


Hi elza-abebe-beyene

A lot of people start baking and decorating cakes as a hobby and make cakes for family and friends. As their skills get better they get orders which they have to charge for. Work experience for some home bakers who go into business is gained through baking and decorating on a small scale. Skills are developed by doing decorating courses and workshops either in colleges or online like here. They also teach themselves from books or, from sites like youtube. Some people take the chance and just go for it, others will take their time until they have built a portfolio of their work. If you already have some baking and decorating skills you could work from home and have that as a business. The Pro membership courses http://www.cakeflix.com/how-to-run-a-cake-decorating-business is a very good place to start. The courses give all the advice necessary on how to make plans for starting a cake business. If you need more information for the pro courses you can email [email protected] to discuss your needs. Hope this helps, good luck.

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