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asked October 10th 2012

airbrush colours

Hi all
I’ve recently invested in an airbrush and i love it now I think i’ve got the knack of it. Only thing is the colours which came with the airbrush (Iwata) seem to take ages to dry on the sugarpaste and tend to be shinier than what i would like. Has anyone else who uses an airbrush found this or is this something I am doing wrong?


I found that the finish on airbrushing very much depends on the relative humidity of where and when you are doing it. To prevent overspray pervading the house, I did one in my garage on a very damp rainy day when the relative humidity was undoubtedly “very damp”. Absolute nightmare!
Spraying in a warm room, however, produces excellent results – not glossy or watery. If you are going to airbrush regularly you ought to consider an inexpensive mini “spray booth” that can be used indoors without the overspray finding its way all over the house.


Hi Scarlet
I’ve got an airbrush, but I’m not very experienced with it, just learning. I have the Krona colours, and a few of the Americolour ones. I can’t say my results have been too shiny, but I’ve used mainly the lighter pearlized colours so far, so these do have a bit of a sheen. I did use the black Krona one, but found it a bit greenish.
Maybe you just need to start with a very thin spray, let it dry, then reapply, and just build up the colour slowly.
Not sure if Cassie Brown is on facebook, but I’m sure she’d help you, if you send in your question, she’s the airbrush expert.


Thanks Sharon i’ll have a look.


Thanks headrabbit i’ll definitely bear that in mind.


Hi Scarlet, I have used Americolor, kroma, Cassie brown and Rainbow Dust metallic colours. My preference is Cassie Brown – for it’s great matt coverage -and Rainbow Dust. The only problem that I had with Cassie’s was that I had some marks to clean up on a black surface – which was a brilliant matt black – I used alcohol to remove them and I was then left with the alcohol marks which dried shiny. I emailed Cassie’s website twice asking for advice, but no reply. So, if anyone else has any advice on this, I would appreciate it!


Thanks Susan. I ve only used Kroma so i’ll try the Cassie Brown colours next. Hope you get advice your looking for.


Hi again Scarlet,

If you look at the Dr Who Tardis cake on my web page at www.pinkrabbits.org.uk/cakes you will see the shine that resulted from airbrushing in a humid environment. Also accentuated by the dark colour, so not one of my best 🙂


Hi headrabbit
Just had a look and while I can see what you mean about the colour (thats pretty similar to the result I got) the cake still looks fantastic as do the rest. I’m taking your advice on board the next time i use my airbrush and will also try the Cassie Brown colours mentioned by Susan.

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