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asked October 16th 2015

airbrush tutorial request

Would it be possible to get paul to do a introduction to airbrush corse also one one spacing cakes?


Would it be possible to get paul to do a introduction to airbrush corse also one one spacing cakes?


Hi Trev185

Paul has an introduction to airbrushing blog here:

Front Page

Throughout the site there are many tutorials which cover the art of airbrushing. Here are a few of Paul’s techniques to enjoy:

Spitfire Cake Tutorial | CakeFlix Courses

Halloween Monster

Enchanted Castle

There are three lessons on airbrushing in the nechanted castle tutorial
There are lots of other airbrushing tutorials by Paul and also by the many guest tutors. They all bring different techniques to build on.

I’m not quite sure about you mean by one spacing cake, please could you clarify. There are tutorials on the site both in the novelty and wedding sections for floating tiers and for the use of pillars and columns which creat spaces between tiers.


floating tiers sorry. I will say thankyou for improving my cake skills 🙂


Examples of Paul making a floating tier can be found here:

Ruffle Rose Wedding

Rose Wedding

The stacked cake drums are what make the spaces between each tier so you’d need to do that under each cake.
Have a look at this tutorial too:
For using pillars have a look here:

Hope the above help. x

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