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Hi having trouble getting 96% alcohol could you advise were I could get this tried vodka and did not work, spoken to doctors receptionist, and they do not do special request for this type of thing, chemist did not know how I went about it also, tried Internet and you need to send prescription
Hi having trouble getting 96% alcohol could you advise were I could get this tried vodka and did not work, spoken to doctors receptionist, and they do not do special request for this type of thing, chemist did not know how I went about it also, tried Internet and you need to send prescription
Hello Emmy
If you are based in the UK 96% alcohol can not be obtained without a license from customs and excise. Most pharmacies do not have a license and would not be able to supply customers anyway. The substitute for 96% alcohol in the UK is Isopropyl alcohol which used to be stocked by many of the cake decorating companies. However there has been some issues about cake decorating companies supplying this product.
Hopefully in a few days’ time or next week there should a new blog explaining why some cake decorating companies have withdrawn it. If you need any more help please do post again.