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asked October 27th 2015

Aldi Flour

Hello cake lovers, just wondered if anyone has ever used the Aldi Brand self raising flour. I had to bake a cake last night which will be covered today but I opened my oven before the cake was thoroughly cooked so it sank and I had to bake it again. The thing was I had ran out of flour (usually I use the Allison brand). The only flour I had at home was the Aldi flour and as I had never used it, to bake, I had to wait this morning to go and buy my usual brand to bake the cake again. I will be grateful if anyone that has used the Aldi or supermarket or other brands can let me know how good they are. Many thanks in advance.


Hello cake lovers, just wondered if anyone has ever used the Aldi Brand self raising flour. I had to bake a cake last night which will be covered today but I opened my oven before the cake was thoroughly cooked so it sank and I had to bake it again. The thing was I had ran out of flour (usually I use the Allison brand). The only flour I had at home was the Aldi flour and as I had never used it, to bake, I had to wait this morning to go and buy my usual brand to bake the cake again. I will be grateful if anyone that has used the Aldi or supermarket or other brands can let me know how good they are. Many thanks in advance.


Hi NikNak42

I definitely find a difference when using a supermarket own brand but have never had a collapsing problem. I haven’t used Aldi brand but I did use the Lidle flour which wasn’t to my liking. However I don’t think the cake collapsed as a result of the flour, not unless the s/r flour was nearly at it’s best by date or if it had got damp at some stage. The most likely cause is the oven door being opened before the centre of the cake had set.
Take a peek at this too:

Flour Brand name or Supermarkets own

Hope it helps. x


Hi MIWL. Thank you so much for the response as usual. I know the cake didn’t collapse as a result of the flour and now am having a bigger problem. You won’t believe I have baked the cake 3 times and they have all sunk in the middle. The first time I knew that was my fault because I opened the oven the last two I don’t know why it sank. I have never had such a disaster in my entire baking life. I have baked the same cake a million times and don’t usually have a problem. It’s a simple sponge Miss Jones sponge recipe I usually use and for some reason can’t get it right. I don’t know what I am doing wrong and can’t figure it out. The cake is due for a friend tomorrow and I don’t like disappointing please help any advise will be appreciated. I am going back to watch Miss Jones sponge again and like I said before I have baked this cake over and over again without any problems. Don’t know if it is my oven but can’t think why. Please give me any advice . Is it too much air or too little? Don’t know. Pls help.


Yikes!! I’ve never had Mrs Jones’ sponge collapse on me. Sounds to me like your oven temperature may be not up to speed. Is the cake collapsing after it’s taken out of the oven or during baking? Do you have an oven thermometre so you can check the internal temp with what the dial says? Did you use medium eggs? If there is too much liquid in the batter that can cause the cake to collaspe. I feel sorry that you have lost so many ingredients. My hunch is deifnitely on the temperature. Cakes sink if the centre is not baked through, you could try baking on for a little longer or increasing the temperature slightly. I use Ateco baking cores to help distribute the heat through the batter but metal royal icing flower nails work just as well. I place four (flat side down) around the middle of the batter slightly spaced out.

Since you’ve had this dreadful disaster perhaps try anothe recipe?? or would you be happy to try again? x

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